A Faithful God in a Broken World "The Demise of Gideon" Judges 8:1-35 Ken WilsonKenneth WilsonFebruary 27, 2022Judges
Judges: A Faithful God In a Broken World "Gideon: Obedient Faith in a Powerful God Judges 6:36-7:25 Ken WilsonKenneth WilsonFebruary 20, 2022
Habakkuk - Live by Faith Shane WanamakerShane WanamakerFebruary 13, 2022Special, Habakkuk, stand alone
Judges: A Faithful God in a Broken World "Gideon: Weak Faith in a Strong God" (Pt 2) Judges 6:1-40 Ken WilsonKenneth WilsonFebruary 6, 2022Judges
Judges: A Faithful God in a Broken World - "Gideon: Weak Faith in a Strong God". Judges 6:1-40 (a) Ken WilsonKenneth WilsonJanuary 30, 2022Romans
Partners in the Gospel - Dave Rofkhar, Executive Director, Center for Mission Mobilization Kenneth WilsonJanuary 23, 2022
Washed by the Savior - John 13:1-20 Michael HarrisonMichael HarrisonJanuary 16, 2022Special, John, stand alone
JUDGES: A Faithful God in a Broken World "Idolatry and Leadership" (Judges 1-21) Kenneth WilsonJanuary 9, 2022
A Psalm of Repentance - Psalm 51 Michael HarrisonMichael HarrisonJanuary 2, 2022Special, Stand alone, psalms
The King Eternal "Advent 2021" Matthew 2:1-12 Shane WanamakerShane WanamakerDecember 19, 2021Christmas
The Suffering and Sacrificial King "Advent 2021" (Isaiah 52:13-53:12) Ken WilsonKenneth WilsonDecember 12, 2021Christmas