Have you ever felt you have more to offer at work, at home, at church, in life? This small-group experience will help you discover, optimize and unleash the resources God has placed inside you. Your “SHAPE” is the unique combination of your personality, strengths, skills, gifts, and passion.
This 7-week guided discovery journey, supported by video content and proven assessments, informs personal reflection and group discussion, with input from a trained Coach.
As a result, you will gain confidence and clarity about how you add the most value to others and best contribute to a team. Also, you will prioritize where personal growth is most needed and expose ways you are vulnerable to self-defeating behaviors that could sabotage your relationships or derail your leadership.
You are invited to discover your unique identity for fulfilling your God-inspired dreams. Cathy Lee will lead this course Sunday mornings at 9 AM, January 12th - February 23rd. Room 2101. The cost is $60, which will cover all your assessments and online access. (5 person minimum to have course)