Upcoming Events

Below is a list of all our current registrations for classes, events, or trips. You can find more information about most events by contacting the class or event leader listed next to the name of the event.


A Christian Political Identity

Jesus declared Himself to be a King, and He will return as “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” (Revelation 19:16) . He announced the coming of the Kingdom of God (Luke 4:43).  These are political terms.  We are citizens of heaven (Philippians 3:20) but residents of earth. Paul used his Roman citizenship (Acts 16) but did not attempt to overthrow political rulers. A believer's faith should be public, but should it be partisan?  How do we navigate a political world of totalitarian political powers and concerns of "the end of democracy" and well as highly dysfunctional governments?  Should we retreat to an echo chamber or just give up and pray? What do we learn from Jesus, Daniel, and Paul that might help us?  Come join us on Sunday, August 25 & September 1, as Ken walks us through a biblical worldview about a Christian political identity. Click here to register.

Fellowship 101

Fellowship101 is an informal gathering during our Sunday, 9AM service, on September 8th.

Whether you've only been checking out Fellowship for a couple of weeks or you've been trying us out for a few months, we'd love to share more about who we are as a church, what we do, and why we do it. This is also a great chance for you to ask any questions you've had about Fellowship (but weren't sure who to ask) or learn more about our various ministries. Click Here to register