1 Peter: Grace and Glory for Suffering Exiles - A Survey of the Bible

1 Peter: Grace and Glory for Suffering Exiles
   A Survey of the Bible

For the bulletin in PDF form, click here.

Message Slides

Peter - Illustrated Bible Dictionary

Peter - The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary

Peter’s Ministry - Chuck Swindoll

Introduction to 1 Peter - Jim Samra

The Message of 1 Peter - Chuck Swindoll

Context: Who, Where, When, and Why?

•  Who composed 1 Peter?

•  Who was Peter’s original audience?

•  When was 1 Peter written?

•  Where were the author and his readers?

•  Why was 1 Peter written?

Content: How and What?

  Prologue (1:1-2)

    Remember - The Glory of Salvation (1:3-16)

- The believer has been born again. (1:3-5)

- The believer is being grieved by trials. (1:6-12)

- Suffer with steadfast hope. (1:13-16)

    Embrace - The Glory of Suffering  (1:17-4:19)

- Salvation of the soul is worked out in relation to God. (1:17-21)

- Salvation of the soul is worked out in relation to the brethren. (1:22–2:10)

- Salvation of the soul is worked out in relation to the world. (2:11–3:7)

- Salvation of the soul is worked out in relation to suffering. (3:8–4:19)

     Submit - The Glory of Humility  (5:1-9)

- Humbly lead the church as those who will give an account. (5:1-4)

- Humbly submit to those in authority to experience God's grace. (5:5)

- Humble yourself as a part of submitting to God. (5:6-7)

- Be on guard against the devil and resist him by standing firm. (5:8-9)

  Epilogue (5:10-14)

•  What is the message of 1 Peter?

Conviction: So What?

•  Where does 1 Peter fit?

- In Peter’s first letter he includes one of the all-time great summaries of our
               salvation and then goes on to make application of that to our experience in

- 1 Peter is both theologically substantial and practically helpful.

•  What should we believe?   

- God is sovereign and gracious.

- Suffering is real and difficult.
- The glory of our salvation is a motivation for endurance.

•  How should we behave?

- Reflect on the riches of divine grace and the glory of our salvation.

- Endure hardship and suffering as an exercise in Christ-likeness.
- Hope for the final redemption and be humble as you wait for vindication.

Next steps
• Remember the glory of salvation by grace.
•  Embrace the opportunities found in suffering well for Christ.
•  Submit to God and the authorities He has established.

This Week's Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

•. Monday - 1 Peter 1:1-16
•. Tuesday - 1 Peter 1:17-2:10
•. Wednesday - 1 Peter 2:11-3:7
•. Thursday - 1 Peter 3:8-4:19
•. Friday - 1 Peter 5:1-7
•. Saturday - 1 Peter 5:8-14

Home Church Questions

•   Peter addresses his letter to the “elect exiles” (NAS “strangers”) in his introduction (cf. 1:17; 2:11). As believers, how does this change the way we view the circumstances of life? How does the way we live our lives change when we forget this truth?

•   Read 1:6-7. Describe a time in your life when you were distressed by a trial you encountered. How was your faith tested?

•   Are you now facing a trial? Why do you think God is testing you? What does Peter say is the result for faithfully enduring that testing (v.7)?

    •  Verse 1 of chapter 2 lists five things we are to rid ourselves of. Which of these tends to sneak into your heart and actions?

•   On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the strongest, how would you characterize your longing for the spiritual milk of the Word in 2:2? In what way has Ken’s journey through the books of the Bible fueled that hunger?

•   What are some things that keep us from desiring the Word as we should?

•  Read 2:13-17. How does this instruction apply to us in our current political environment?

•   It is clear that God’s will for our lives includes suffering (4:19). What response would show that you are entrusting yourself to God when you encounter suffering? What would show that you are not entrusting yourself to God?

•   After answering this, read 3:9-12. What are the “do not’s” and the “do’s” that Peter lists for us?

•   Read 5:6-7. How would you characterize your ability to “cast your anxiety on him?” How does this relate to humbling yourself under God’s mighty hand?

•   What particular strategy does your adversary the devil use toward you to devour your faith and hope? How do you resist him? [ref. 5:8-9]

Of the 8 billion people in the world, 3.4 billion live in areas that have not been reached with the gospel. These regions remain largely unreached due to persecution, cultural barriers, governmental restrictions, and other challenges that prevent the gospel from spreading. As we consider the vast number of people who have yet to hear the good news, let us pray that God will raise up individuals who are willing to go into these difficult places, regardless of the cost, to share the message of Christ. Pray also that those living in these regions will embrace the gospel, find hope in Jesus, and stand firm in their faith, even in the face of persecution.

Weekly Budget      35,297
Giving For 08/25   23,927
Giving For 09/01   25,132
YTD Budget          317,674
Giving                    284,249  
OVER/(UNDER)      (33,425)

Equipping Classes
The Equipping Ministry exists to equip and release our church body to deepen their understanding and experience of God & His word, develop genuine, Spirit-led living, and consistently invest in making disciples.  We are providing a variety of courses this Fall and our hope is that you would prayerfully consider signing up for one that would help you grow in your faith or gain some skills for furthering your personal ministry.  Please check out fellowshipconway.org/equipping to learn about all the other options and register today.

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Couple’s Night Out
Couples, wear your dancing shoes and join us for a delightful evening at our Ol’ Southern Social on Saturday, September 14, from 6-8:00 p.m. at Renewal Ranch (75 Lake Dr. Houston, AR). The night will be filled with fun games, lively folk music, folk dancing, and refreshments—child care will be provided at Fellowship by texting Shanna at 501-336-0332.

Fellowship Women’s Fall Retreat - Breathe
Rest, eat, worship, and make new friends in beautiful Heber Springs. We would love for you to join us at our October 25-27 fall retreat.  To learn more and to register go to fellowshipconway.org/women.

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast
Men, join us for a great breakfast and fellowship on Wednesday, September 11, at 6:00 a.m. here in the Fellowship atrium. No sign-up is needed. Come with your Bible, ready to eat, fellowship with other men, and start your day off right through prayer and Biblical insight. Questions? Contact Michael at mharrison@fellowshipconway.org.

Men’s Bible Study - Systematic Theology 
Thursdays 6-7:00 a.m. - Ken will pick up the continued study of Systematic Theology with a focus on Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation including Election, Grace, Justification, Assurance, Eternal Security and other related topics.

Fellowship 201
Join us on September 15th and 22nd as we launch Fellowship 201. This class is designed for anyone who has gone through Fellowship 101 in the last year and those who simply want to have a deeper understanding of our beliefs. Together, we will go through core Christian teachings of the faith and how they apply to our daily lives.  Register at fellowshipconway.org/register.