2 Peter:  Ethics, Error, and Eschatology
A Survey of the Bible

For the bulletin in PDF form, click here.

Message Slides

2 Peter Chart - Wilson

Introduction to 2 Peter - Jim Samra

The Message of 2 Peter - Swindoll

Salvation Issues in 2 P{Peter 2 - Tom Schreiner

Context: Who, Where, When, and Why?

•  Who composed 2 Peter?

•  Who was Peter’s original audience?

•  When was 2 Peter written?

•  Where were the author and his readers?

•  Why was 2 Peter written?

Content: How and What?

Prologue (1:1-2)

SPIRITUAL MATURITY - A Call to Maturity in Light of Our Salvation (1:3-21).

- Salvation by God's Power and Promises (1:3-4).

- Sanctification by Ascending Virtues (1:5-11).

- Big Idea: Remain Established in the Truth (1:12-15).

- The Authority of the Apostolic Message (1:16-21).

FALSE TEACHERS - A Call to Beware in Light of False Teachers  (2:1-22).

- The Current Rise of False Teachers and Their Judgment (2:1-3).
- Past Examples of False Teachers and Their Judgment (2:4-10a).

- The Character of False Teachers and Their Judgment (2:10b-22).

CHRIST’S RETURN - A Call to Holiness in Light of The Lord's Return  (3:1-16)

- A Reminder of Past Prophetic and Apostolic Teaching (3:1-2).

- Accusation: In the last days scoffers will deny the coming of the Lord (3:3-4).

- Refutation: The coming of the Lord is delayed but certain (3:5-10).

- Application: Live in light of the Second Coming (3:11-16).

Epilogue (3:17-18)

•  What is the message of 2 Peter?

Conviction: So What?

•  Where does 2 Peter fit?

- 2 Peter is clearly Peter’s last words to the church (1:12-15).

- In 2 Peter the message is that, as always, false teachers are coming; while in Jude the message is that false teachers are already here.

- The antidote to false teachers and their teaching is continual spiritual growth (1:3-11) and a focus on the return of Christ to judge false teachers and reward righteous living.

•  What should we believe?   

- Spiritual growth takes intentional investment of energy and focus (1:3-11).

- False teachers are both theologically in error—denying the Lordship of Christ (3:1-10) and morally bankrupt—insatiable, greedy, and full of sexual lust (3:12-16).

- The return of Christ is certain (3:8-13).

•  How should we behave?

- Growing in grace and truth.

- Live in light of the Lord’s return.

Next Steps
•  Grow in Grace.
•  Stand in Truth.
•  Rest in Hope.

This Week's Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - 2 Peter 1:1-11
•. Tuesday - 2 Peter 1:12-21
•. Wednesday - 2 Peter 2:1-10
•. Thursday - 2 Peter 2:11-22
•. Friday - 2 Peter 3:1-10
•. Saturday - 2 Peter 3:11-18

Home Church Questions
•  Peter addresses his letter to the “elect exiles” (NAS Read 2 Peter 1:3-11.

•  What insight or challenge did you gain from Ken’s presentation of 2 Peter?

•  Peter declared that we have everything we need for godly living because of his power (1:3) and his promises (verse 4). What in your life threatens your confidence in God’s work in your life, and how can his power and promises quieten your spiritual timidity?

•  Read 1:5-7. What area or areas do you need to “make every effort?” What is the motivator for that effort in verses 8, 10, and 11?

•  Read Peter’s description of false prophets in chapter 2. Pick out the moral and theological characteristics of false prophets. Does this description identify speakers or writers in our world today?

•  How does Peter direct that we respond to the presence of these individuals (verses 4-10)?

•  Describe what “waiting for and hastening” the coming day of the Lord looks like in practical terms of your everyday life (3:10-13)?

•  Peter closes his letter with the encouragement to be on your guard and grow (verses 17-18). What are some signs in your life that you are becoming spiritually lazy? 

Pray for our Partners: Justin and Angela Montgomery and children Zeke and Taos

- For fruitful relationships with teammates as they work together to further the gospel.
- For God's guidance in organizing their schedule and finding a regular rhythm of Sabbath rest amidst increasing responsibilities.
- For deeper connections with parents at Taos’s preschool.

Weekly Budget      35,297
Giving For 09/01   25,132
Giving For 09/08   39,043
YTD Budget          352,972
Giving                    323,292  
OVER/(UNDER)      (29,680)      

Equipping classes
The Equipping Ministry exists to equip and release our church body to deepen their understanding and experience of God & His word, develop genuine, Spirit-led living, and consistently invest in making disciples.  We are providing a variety of courses this Fall and our hope is that you would prayerfully consider signing up for one that would help you grow in your faith or gain some skills for furthering your personal ministry.  Please check out fellowshipconway.org/equipping to learn about all the other options and register today.

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Fellowship Women’s Fall Retreat - Breathe
Rest, eat, worship, and make new friends in beautiful Heber Springs. We would love for you to join us at our October 25-27 fall retreat.  To learn more and to register go to fellowshipconway.org/women.

Fellowship Kids at Schaefer’s Pumpkin Patch
Fellowship families, join us Saturday, October 5, from 10 to 12 at Schaefer’s Pumpkin Patch for some great outdoor fun with friends and family. There will be hay rides, animals to pet, pumpkins to pick, and food trucks to buy your lunch. There is no need to register. Hope to see you there!

Father/Son Campout
Join us for an unforgettable Father-Son Camp Out this Fall, where adventure and bonding await boys ages 5 and up! Experience the great outdoors together as you share stories around the campfire and create lifelong memories under the stars. This is a fantastic opportunity for fathers to connect with their sons in a unique setting.   Don’t miss out on this special chance to strengthen your bond and enjoy nature’s beauty.  Register at fellowshipconway.org/register

Men’s Bible Study - Systematic Theology 
Thursdays 6-7:00 a.m. - Ken will pick up the continued study of Systematic Theology with a focus on Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation, including Election, Grace, Justification, Assurance, Eternal Security, and other related topics.

Prayer During Service
We love to pray for one another. Our prayer team will have people at the front of the Auditorium under the signs Hope and Love to pray for you after the message. Please feel free to walk up to them for prayer or encouragement during the first worship song after the message.