Kingdom Stories - The Four Soils

Kingdom Stories: The Four Soils
Matthew 13:1-23

For the bulletin in PDF form, click here.

Hard Soil

Rocky Soil

Unfruitful Soil

Fruitful Soil

This Week's Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

•. Monday - Matthew 13
•. Tuesday - Matthew 18
•. Wednesday - Matthew 21
•. Thursday - Matthew 22
•. Friday - Matthew 25
•. Saturday - Matthew 20:1-16
(Sermon text for Sunday)

Home Church Questions
1.  The first type of soil is the hard soil (Matt 13:4).  According to Matt 13:19, explain who this type of soil represents.  Who were the people who responded to Jesus’ teaching in this way (see Matt 12)?

2.  Have you ever been like the hard soil or do you know someone who is like this (unwilling to listen)?  How should we respond to someone who is like the hard soil?

3.  The second type of soil is the rocky soil (13:5).  According to Matt 13:20-21, explain who this type of soil represents.  Some people see the phrase “fall away” in v.21 and assume this means someone can lose his/her salvation.  What are other passages in the Bible that help us know we should not interpret this parable in this way?

4.  When a person trusts in Christ, we want to encourage that person and talk about security in Christ.  We also learn from this parable we should not encourage a superficial decision.  What does a healthy approach look like with these two concerns in mind?

5.  The third type of soil is the unfruitful soil (13:7).  According to Matt 13:22, explain who this type of soil represents.  What are some ways we can be confident we are not like this type of soil?

6.  The fourth type of soil is the fruitful soil (13:8).  According to Matt 13:23, explain who this type of soil represents.  What are some ways we should be producing?  What is the fruit in our lives we should expect if we are like the good soil?

7.  The main point of the parable is not merely that we should produce and bear fruit (though this is a truth we see).  The main emphasis is on hearing (we see the word “hear” 15 times in Matt 13:1-23).  Why is it important that we emphasize hearing as we consider this parable?

Mission Highlight - Pray for the Unreached: The Rajput People of India (0.1% Christian)
The name Rajput means "son of a ruler," and signifies the noble status of these people. Many Rajputs are landowners, forming a dominant community in northern and western India. The Rajputs are mobile, with many migrating to new areas over time. Ministry obstacles include fear that Christianity may alienate individuals from their families and traditions, making them hesitant to embrace the Gospel. Prayer is needed for Rajput believers to effectively engage their families, and for a family-based Bible study movement that leads entire communities to experience God's blessings.


Weekly Budget      35,297
Giving For 09/08   39,043
Giving For 09/15   21,163
YTD Budget         388,269
Giving                   344,455      
OVER/(UNDER)   (43,814)          

Equipping classes
The Equipping Ministry exists to equip and release our church body to deepen their understanding and experience of God & His word, develop genuine, Spirit-led living, and consistently invest in making disciples.  We are providing a variety of courses this Fall and our hope is that you would prayerfully consider signing up for one that would help you grow in your faith or gain some skills for furthering your personal ministry.  Please check out to learn about all the other options and register today.      

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Fellowship Women’s Fall Retreat - Breathe
Rest, eat, worship, and make new friends in beautiful Heber Springs. We would love for you to join us at our October 25-27 fall retreat.  To learn more and to register go to

Fellowship Kids at Schaefer’s Pumpkin Patch
Fellowship families, join us Saturday, October 5, from 10 to 12 at Schaefer’s Pumpkin Patch for some great outdoor fun with friends and family. There will be hayrides, animals to pet, pumpkins to pick, and food trucks to buy your lunch. There is no need to register. Hope to see you there!

Father/Son Campout
Join us for an unforgettable Father-Son Camp Out this Fall, where adventure and bonding await boys ages 5 and up! Experience the great outdoors together as you share stories around the campfire and create lifelong memories under the stars. This is a fantastic opportunity for fathers to connect with their sons in a unique setting.   Don’t miss out on this special chance to strengthen your bond and enjoy nature’s beauty.  Register at

Operation Christmas Child Special Pack - Save the Date
Fellowship, we hope you are able to join us with you family, friends, and Home Church for the annual OCC Special Pack on October 8.  More details to come!

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast 
Men, join us for a great breakfast and fellowship on Wednesday, October 9, at 6:00 a.m. here in the Fellowship atrium. No sign-up is needed. Come with your Bible ready to eat, fellowship with other men, and start your day off right through prayer and Biblical insight. Questions? Contact Michael at

Chris MooreChris MooreParables