Down and Out - Psalm 42

Down and Out
  Psalm 42

For the bulletin in PDF form, click here.

The Cry

The Complaint

- with himself

- with God

- with enemies

The Confidence

This Week's Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

•. Monday - Psalm 42
•. Tuesday - Psalm 43
•. Wednesday - Psalm 6
•. Thursday - Psalm 13
•. Friday - Psalm 130

Home Church Questions

1. Have someone read Psalm 42.  Was there anything from the text or sermon that was especially helpful or interesting?

2. The first characteristic of a lament psalm is the cry for help.  Where do we see the cry for help in Psalm 42?  Why do you think God wants us to learn to cry out to him?  What does it look like to cry out to God?

3. Another characteristic of a lament psalm is the complaint.  In Psalm 42 the psalmist has three complaints.  The first one is with himself.  Where do we see this in Psalm 42?  Why is it important that we recognize we are often a part of the problem?

4. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, “Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself?”  What does this mean?  Do you agree with him?

5. The psalmist also has a complaint with God.  Where do we see this in Psalm 42?  What does it look like to complain to God about God?  Have you ever done this?  Why would using lament psalms to express our complaint be helpful? Do you have a lament psalm you like to use?

6. The psalmist also expresses a complaint against his enemies.  We discover that the problem is complex as there is a complaint with himself, with God, and with enemies.  What lessons can we learn since the Bible portrays life and our problems as complex?

7. The third characteristic of a lament psalm is the expression of confidence or hope.  Where do we see this in Psalm 42?  Why should it encourage us that every lament psalm includes an expression of hope?  What does it look like for us to express confidence and hope even when we are lamenting?

Pray for the Unreached: The Baghban in Pakistan
The Baghban people of Pakistan are primarily gardeners and fruit sellers, deeply rooted in Muslim traditions. They speak various languages and are spread across rural and urban areas in India and Pakistan. Despite access to Christian resources, there are no known Christian adherents among them. Pray for openness to the gospel and the establishment of a Disciple Making Movement among the Baghban.
Learn more:


Weekly Budget      35,297
Giving For 08/18   26,674
Giving For 08/25   23,927
YTD Budget         282,377
Giving                   259,117      
OVER/(UNDER)   (23,260)   

Fellowship 101
We invite you to join us on Sunday, September 8, at 9:00 a.m. to learn more about Fellowship. This is a great pportunity to hear about our mission, values, and our ministries. If you’re new to Fellowship, join us in the 
conference room (first floor) to hear what God is doing and where He is taking us. During this time, you will meet some of our ministry leaders and get to ask questions. Register at  ​

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Equipping classes
Fellowship provides a variety of classes covering numerous topics, all designed to equip and release you for ministry.  One of the classes offered is Discover You, which begins on Sept. 8 at 9:00 AM and has a few more spots available. Please check out to learn about all the other options and register today.

Fellowship Kids Baptism
Is your child asking questions, or have they made a decision of faith? Join us for our baptism class, where we will discuss the character of God, sin, salvation, baptism, and what comes next.  We will meet September 8, 15, 22, and 29, during the second service in Room 2110. Contact Heather McKinney at with any questions. Register at

Couple’s Night Out
Couples, wear your dancing shoes and join us for a delightful evening at our Ol’ Southern Social on Saturday, September 14, from 6-8:00 p.m. at Renewal Ranch (75 Lake Dr. Houston, AR). The night will be filled with fun games, lively folk music, folk dancing, and refreshments—child care will be provided at Fellowship by texting Shanna at 501-336-0332.

Fellowship Women’s Revelation Study
Join us Tuesdays, starting September 3, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. or Wednesdays starting September 4, from 12-2:00 p.m.  Please purchase your own book, Revelation:  Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom, by Jen Wilkin. For details and to register go to  Childcare is available for both sessions by texting Shanna Franklin at 501- 336-0332.

Fellowship WOmen’s Fall Retreat - Breathe
Rest, eat, worship, and make new friends in beautiful Heber Springs. We would love for you to join us at our October 25-27 fall retreat.  To learn more and to register go to

Men’s Bible Study - Systematic Theology 
Thursdays 6-7:00 a.m. beginning September 5, Ken will pick up the continued study of Systematic Theology with a focus on Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation including Election, Grace, Justification, Assurance, Eternal Security and other related topics.

Chris MooreChris MoorePsalms