Romans 13:1-7

Romans: The Foundations of Faith
"God and Government"
(Romans 13:1-7)

For bulletin in PDF form click here.

Message Slides

Hinderances to Love - Swindoll

Paul in Rome and Today - Moo

The Problem of Romans 13:1-7 - Theilmann

The Brave Example of a Country Pastor - Theilmann

Introduction: A Review of Daniel and Acts

The Principle
Willingly submit to the authority of the government where you live (13:1).

Support for the Principle
God has established government
to accomplish His purpose and keep the peace (13:1-5).

•  God has established all governmental authorities  (13:1b).

•  Rebelling against the government is rebelling against God (13:2).

•  Submit to the government and you have nothing to worry about (13:3).

•  The government is used by God to keep the peace (13:4).

•  Submit to the government to avoid consequences and have a clear conscience with God (13:5).

Application of the Principle
Pay your taxes

•  Pay your taxes to pay their salary  (13:6).
•  Give people what God says they deserve, not what you think they have earned (13:7).

Submit to the government where you live,
 live according to the just laws of society,
 and pay your taxes. 

Next Steps
Submit to the government, respect officials, and pay your taxes.
•  Honor those in authority because God is using them for His purpose.
•  Be an excellent citizen and exercise your rights with dignity.

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Daniel 4:1-18
Tuesday - Daniel 4:19-37
Wednesday - Acts 3:1-31
Thursday - Acts 5:17-32
Friday - Romans 13:8-14


Weekly Budget      25,962
Giving For 06/06   30,897
Giving For 06/13   22,066

YTD Budget       1,298,077
YTD Giving         1,456,782
over             158,705 

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,535,065
Received-to-date 1,591,622

Grill and Chill - June 26
Men of Fellowship we are firing up the grill at Toad Suck Park, June 26, 6:00 p.m.  Men, please invite your son or a friend and join us at the river for a great night of good food and great fun! 
To RSVP stop by the Connection Center or email

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect” section of your bulletin, tear it off, and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Girlfriends Bible Study - Re-Entry: Trusting God for the Next Normal
Our study will center on re-entry into the world after covid; character, chaos to order, calm, and comfort will be each week’s themes.  Ladies, join us for this study.  Two meeting options will be available, as we learn from and lean on each other, and we look to God as our mighty provider and comforter! Wednesdays, July 7-28 led by Charlotte Strickland via Zoom (8-9:00 p.m.) or in person led by Lesta Eberhard (6:30-7:30 p.m. Fireside Room). Child care available by RSVP to Shanna at Register at Connection Center or at

Survey of the Bible
Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 24.  Join us as Ken Wilson spends a Saturday taking us through an overview of all 66 books of the Bible, helping us gain a deeper understanding of the story, structure, and themes of Scripture. This will be an all day event with child care provided.  More details to come! 

Join Downline 2022!
Thank you Fellowship Conway for hosting the Downline Conway Institute this past year! For the 9 months, 27 people from 14 different Conway churches have gathered at Fellowship to walk through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and be further equipped as disciple makers in our churches, homes, and communities. Would you consider investing the time and energy in your spiritual life this next year by joining us starting in August 2021? If you are interested in learning more about being a part of the Downline Institute please email Chris Kear at We are also now accepting applications at

Check out Perspectives!
Experience 15 powerful lessons that have equipped thousands of everyday believers with greater vision, hope, and passion for God’s heart for the nations. Starting in the fall, believers will see God’s passion to reach the lost from Genesis to Revelation while hearing amazing speakers explain how God’s plan for us is to be used by Him for his glory. Learn more at