Romans 12:14-21

Romans: The Foundations of Faith
The Church Before the Watching World"
(Romans 12:14-21)

For Bulletin in PDF form click here.

Message Slides

Theology in Application in Romans 12:1-8 - Theilman

Authentic Love and the Body of Christ - Swindoll

What to Do When You’ve Been Done Wrong - Swindoll

Theology in Application in Romans 12:9-21 - Theilman

Introduction: Cultural Apologetics    

A Recap of Romans 12
The transformed life of the Christian community (12:1-2)
functions fully (12:3-8); cares well for itself (
and provides a winsome witness to the world (

The Gospel Transforms our Relationships
A transforming experience of the grace of God
frees us to live with humility and in harmony with others (

•  We deal graciously with those who oppose us (12:14).

•  We identify compassionately with people in all seasons of life (12:15).

•  We embrace a life of humility and harmony (12:16).

The Gospel Transforms our Choices
A transforming embracing of the sovereignty of God
frees us to live at peace with others and leave justice in God's hands (

•  We choose appropriate responses instead of retaliation (12:17).

•  We choose harmony if at all possible (12:18).

•  We choose to leave justice in the hands of God (12:19).

•  We choose compassion as a winsome witness (12:20).

•  We choose to overwhelm evil with good (12:21).

Allow the depths of the gospel of grace
to transform your relationships
so that a watching world sees a winsome witness. 

Next Steps
Bless everyone because you have been blessed by God.

•  Fully trust God to set things right in His time.

•  Overcome opposition with a winsome witness of God's grace.

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Romans 12:1-2
Tuesday - Romans 12:3-8
Wednesday - Romans 12:9-13
Thursday - Romans 12:14-21
Friday - Romans 13:1-7


Weekly Budget      25,962
Giving For 05/30   18,098
Giving For 06/06   30,897

YTD Budget       1,272,115
YTD Giving         1,434,717
over             162,601 

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,535,065
Received-to-date 1,590,732

Ladies, join us for a great night of food, fun, and fellowship.  Taco Tuesday (catered by Tacos4Life) will be Tuesday, June 22, 6-8:00 p.m. at 625 Fieldstone Dr. (home of Tracy Williams).
Please RSVP to by June 18.
For childcare, please RSVP to

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect” section of your bulletin, tear it off, and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Father’s Day Slide Show
We honor and celebrate our dads on Father’s Day with a special slideshow which will be shown during our Sunday, June 20 services. If you would like to have your dad included, we ask that you please submit only one photo per family to accommodate our growing church body by tomorrow, June 14, 2:00 p.m. Email your photo to  Note: If emailing, please use a high-resolution image for best results.  

Fellowship Kids VBS - July 12-16
Summer is coming! In Fellowship Kids that means Vacation Bible School. We are so excited for this year’s VBS at Fellowship. Register for this week of fun, July 12-16, at by June 25.  We encourage you to invite one non-Fellowship friend to attend VBS for FREE!

Grill and Chill - June 26
Men of Fellowship we are firing up the grill at Toad Suck Park, June 26, 6:00 p.m.  Men, please invite your son or a friend and join us at the river for a great night of good food and great fun!  To RSVP stop by the Connection Center or email

Girlfriends Bible Study - Re-Entry: Trusting God for the Next Normal
This study will center on re-entry into the world after covid; character, chaos to order, calm, and comfort will be each week’s themes.  Ladies, join us for this study, 2 meeting options will be available, as we learn from and lean on each other, and we look to  God as our mighty provider and comforter! Wednesdays, July 7-28 led by Charlotte Strickland via Zoom (8-9:00 p.m.) or in person led by Lesta Eberhard (6:30-7:30 p.m. Fireside Room). Child care available by RSVP to Shanna at Register at Connection Center or at