Romans 8:18-25 [Part 2]

Romans: The Foundations of Faith 

"Trading My Sorrows"
[Part 2]

(Romans 8:18-25)

For bulletin in PDF form click here.

Message Slides

Groaning Then Glory - Swindoll

Introduction: Resurrection Realities 

Clear Confession:
Future glory is greater than present suffering.
(Romans 8:18) 

Connected Creation: 
The entire created order is longing to be liberated from the curse
which came into being as a result of sin.
(Romans 8:19-22)

•  Connection: Creation is waiting for Christians' final redemption. (19)

•  Cause: The corruption of creation is tied to human sin. (20-21)

•  Continuation: Creation continues to suffer because of sin. (22)

Confident Christians: 
Christians themselves are eagerly and patiently waiting
to fully realize the hope we have of final salvation.
(Romans 8:23-25)

•  Resurrection Hope: We look forward to full and final redemption. (23)

•  Real Hope: We look forward with hope for what we do not see. (24)

•  Relentless Hope: We look forward and endure well until the end. (24)

Life in the Spirit
is full of hope for final redemption.

Next Steps
•  Really meditate on the hope of the resurrection.
•  Make a pros and cons list about living here and living in glory.
•  Adjust your focus in life to be on "things above." 

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Romans 8:1-11
Tuesday - Romans 8:12-17
Wednesday - Romans 8:18-27
Thursday - Romans 8:28-36
Friday - Romans 8:37-39

Home Church
Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another.  Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

Home Church Questions
•  Read Romans 8:18-25.
•  What was the main point of the message this week?
•  Do most Christians groan inwardly for the resurrection of our bodies?  Do you?
•  How important is the ministry of the Holy Spirit to each of us?
•  How can we take advantage of the Holy Spirit as a "first fruit" or "down payment/first installment"?
•  What tends to motivate you more, retribution (consequences of sin), reward (laying up treasures in heaven), or relationship (I don't want to disappoint Him, or he has done so much for me, I want to serve Him well)?
•  What in the world (or out of the world) are we supposed to be hoping for?
•  How does "hope" motivate endurance?
•  What do you think heaven will be like? 

Home Church
New to Fellowship? Ready to get connected relationally and grow spiritually in community? Home Church is the place for you! In our small groups you will study God’s Word, pray together, and serve alongside one another. We believe God intended for people to live in community and at Fellowship
that is in our small groups called Home Church.
Contact Michael Harrison
to hear more and get connected.

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect” section of your bulletin, tear it off, and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

The Renewal Ranch Store is open at 950 Carson Cove, suite 107
Renewal Ranch has opened up a furniture store to help fund their ministry.  You can drop off your gently used furniture Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10am-5pm.  Proceeds from the sale of items support the men of Renewal Ranch. A good variety of furniture, home decor, and tchotchkes! Donations will be accepted upon inspection. We love gently used items! Store Hours Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 10am-5pm. We appreciate your donations of gently used furniture! Questions? Contact David at 501-269-4306.

Fellowship 101 | April 11 | 9:00 a.m.
We invite you to join us on Sunday morning, April 11th, to learn more about Fellowship. This is a great opportunity to learn about our mission, values, and ministries. If you’re new to Fellowship, mark your calendars for Sunday, April 11th, 9:00 a.m. (conference room) to hear what God is doing and where He is taking us. During this time you will get to meet some of our ministry leaders and ask questions that will help you in your search for a home church. We’re excited to meet you! Go to to sign-up.

Our college and young adult ministry meets every Sunday, 6:00 p.m. in the NEXT Room (second floor of Fellowship). Everyone between the ages of 18-25 is invited to join us tonight for dinner, God’s Word, and discussion. Tonight’s discussion will be on relationships.  For more information contact Shane at

Downline Preview
Thank you Fellowship Conway for hosting the Downline Conway Institute this year! For the past 5 months, 27 people from 14 different Conway churches have been gathering at Fellowship to walk through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and be further equipped as disciple makers in our churches, homes, and communities. Coming up in April, you are invited to a preview night where you can come for an evening and get a taste of what Downline offers and hopefully a desire to join us next Fall. Be watching for more details for the preview night, Fellowship and Downline would love for you to consider this great opportunity to spiritually grow in the area of discipleship. Check out more about Downline at


Weekly Budget       25,96
Giving For 02/14   18,765
Giving For 02/21   31,631
YTD Budget           882,692
YTD Giving        1,011,016
over                     128,324 

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,535,065
Received-to-date 1,562,354