Romans 8:18-25 [Part 1]

Romans: The Foundations of Faith 

"Trading My Sorrows"
[Part 1]

(Romans 8:18-25)

For bulletin in PDF form click here.

Message Slides

Concern for the Environment - Moo

All Things Work Toward the Good - Moo

The Hope of the Gospel - Theilman

Introduction: Salvation: Present, Past, Future

Clear Confession:
Future glory is greater than present suffering.
(Romans 8:18

Connected Creation: 
The entire created order is longing to be liberated from the curse
which came into being as a result of sin.
(Romans 8:19-22)

•  Connection: Creation is waiting for Christians' final redemption. (19)

•  Cause: The corruption of creation is tied to human sin. (20-21)

•  Continuation: Creation continues to suffer because of sin. (22)

Confident Christians: 
Christians themselves are eagerly and patiently waiting
to fully realize the hope we have of final salvation.
(Romans 8:23-25)

•  Resurrection Hope: We look forward to full and final redemption. (23)

•  Real Hope: We look forward with hope for what we do not see. (24)

•  Relentless Hope: We look forward and endure well until the end. (24)

Life in the Spirit
is full of hope for final redemption.

Next Steps
•  Embrace the reality of suffering in proper perspective.
•  Consider what role you and I should play in "creation care."
•  Really meditate on the hope of resurrection some this week. 

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Romans 8:1-11
Tuesday - Romans 8:12-17
Wednesday - Romans 8:18-27
Thursday - Romans 8:28-36
Friday - Romans 8:37-39

Home Church
Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another.  Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

Home Church Questions

•  Read Romans 8:18-22.
•  What was the main point of the message this week?
•  What kind of suffering do we endure today? (Physical, Emotional, Cultural)
•  What kind of suffering can you imagine in the next ten to twenty years?
•  What do you think Paul means by "the glory that will be revealed to us?"  How is that a motivation to     endure suffering?  
•  How is the world groaning?  What might "the Pains of childbirth" Paul references be?
•  How Eco-conscience should Christians be?  What passages might inform this?
•  What in the world (or out of the world) are we supposed to be hoping for?
•  How does "hope" motivate? 


Weekly Budget       25,962
Giving For 02/07   32,706
Giving For 02/14   18,765

YTD Budget           856,731
YTD giving            979,385
over                     122,654 

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,535,065
Received-to-date 1,561,039

Home Church
Start the New Year in a Home Church where you will build deep relationships with other believers as you study God’s Word, pray together, and serve alongside one another. We believe that God intended for people to live in community.  Questions?  Contact Michael Harrison

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect” section of your bulletin, tear it off, and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

The Renewal Ranch Store is open at 950 Carson Cove, suite 107
Renewal Ranch has opened up a furniture store to help fund their ministry.  You can drop off your gently used furniture Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10am-5pm.  Proceeds from the sale of items support the men of Renewal Ranch. A good variety of furniture, home decor, and tchotchkes! Donations will be accepted upon inspection. We love gently used items! Store Hours Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 10am-5pm. We appreciate your donations of gently used furniture! Questions? Contact David at 501-269-4306.

Winter Warming Station
This past week the Warming Station was open 24/7 to keep people warm and safe. Prayers for the staff, the volunteer drivers, but most especially the flock God sent to us during this storm. The mental health issues are so HUGE this year, but in addition to severity, close to 50% are struggling at some level. Let’s keep praying for our ministry partners at the Ministry Center.

Pray for Rob and Melodie
Please be in prayer for our ministry partners Rob and Melodie who just made it home after staying in a hotel this past week due to their electricity being out in Texas. Pray for them, those they minister to, and all of those affected by the unexpected and prolonged winter weather in Texas.

Elder Affirmation
We are excited to recognize Todd Watkins and Charlie Bates as they join the Elder Team at Fellowship this morning. Please be praying for these two men and their families as they step into a new role and serve as elders the next 3-6 years. May God bless many through their leadership and heart for Jesus.

Connect with Fellowship
Have you found yourself saying, “I wish I had known that” when it comes to an event or information about Fellowship? We want that to be a very rare occurrence for those who call Fellowship home. We strive to communicate effectively through four main avenues - a weekly email we call eNews, social media (Facebook and Instagram), our website (, and our app.  If you are not getting the eNews, please fill out the Connection Card found in your bulletin and drop in the basket by the door to get signed up. If you used to get the eNews, but now do not, check your spam folder or call the church office.  Fellowship’s social media can be found by searching “Fellowship Conway” on Instagram and Facebook.
Fellowship App - Go to our website for easy instructions to download the
Fellowship app -