Romans 8:12-17

Message Notes          
February 14, 2021| Teacher: Ken Wilson

Romans: The Foundations of Faith
"All In The Family"
(Romans 8:12-17)

For bulletin in PDF form click here.

Message Slides

Practical Benefits of Living in the Spirit - Swindoll

Adoption - Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary

Relationship Precedes Responsibility - Kuruvilla

What God hath Wrought - Kuruvilla

 Introduction:  Sanctification & Two Tensions

Family Responsibility
God's children are led by the Spirit
as they resist the desires of the flesh.
(Romans 8:12-14

•  Mortification: Decisively living with no regard for fleshly desire.

•  Aspiration: Paying close attention to and responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit!

Family Relationships
The Holy Spirit incorporates us into the family of God,
with both benefits and responsibilities,
as we wait for the full possession of our inheritance.
(Romans 8:15-17)

•  Adoption/Sonship: We are members of the family of God.

•  Children: We have privileges and responsibilities as children.

•  Heirs: We have rights and relationships in the family.

•  Co-heirs: Those who suffer will reign.

Life in the Spirit
is a life of freedom, sonship and heirship
empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Next Steps
•  Determine a clear plan for what you need to "mortify" or resist in terms of "fleshly desires".
•  Embrace being a member of God's family with all the rights and responsibilities. 

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Romans 8:1-11
Tuesday - Romans 8:12-17
Wednesday - Romans 8:18-27
Thursday - Romans 8:28-36
Friday - Romans 8:37-39

Home Church
Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught
Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another.  Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

Home Church Questions

•  Read Romans 8:12-17.
•  What was the main point of the message this week?
•  Obligations are serious and binding.  Why does Paul use the strong word “obligation”?  
•  What would a life lived in obligation to the Spirit look like?
•  Paul is clearly writing to believers in chapter 8.  What would it mean for a believer to “die” if they live according to the standard of the sinful nature?  In  contrast, what would it mean for a believer to “live”?
•  Do you live your Christian life dominated by fear or sonship?  Do you feel more like a slave or a family    member?  
•  When was the last time you cried out to the “Father” in desperation?  What does it feel like to talk to Him as His son or daughter.
•  Do you share in Christ’s suffering?  What would suffering with Him and for Him look like in Conway, Arkansas?  What might this look like in other parts of the world?

Weekly Budget       25,962
Giving For 01/31   82,012
Giving For 02/07    32,706
YTD Budget           830,769
YTD Giving            960,620
over                     129,851

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,670,932
Received-to-date 1,560,269

Men’s Book Club
Men of Fellowship join us Thursdays 6:00 p.m. (room 2110). We will be delving into the book “Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth: 12 Questions Christians Should Ask About Social Justice”
by Thaddeus Williams.
  This will be a great time of  fellowship and great discussions.  
For information contact Andy Chouinard at

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect” section of your bulletin, tear it off, and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Home Church
Start the New Year in a Home Church where you will build deep relationships with other believers as you study God’s Word, pray together, and serve alongside one another. We believe that God intended for people to live in community.  Questions?  Contact Michael Harrison

Bethlehem House
Soup-er Bowl Sunday was such a blessing to those the Bethlehem House serves. Throughout the week the Fellowship Family brought in 20 boxes and 40 sacks worth of food. On a Sunday set aside to celebrate God at work, He continues using His people to accomplish His purposes. Praise God!

Elder Affirmation
We are excited to recognize Todd Watkins and Charlie Bates as they join the Elder Team at Fellowship this morning. Please be praying for these two men and their families as they step into a new role and serve as elders the next 3-6 years. May God bless many through their leadership and heart for Jesus.

We are thankful for the faithful service of Kenny Wiedower and Chad Upton as members of the Elder Team over the past 6 years. Please be in prayer for them as they join our supportting elders; a growing list of godly men who have led our body well for many years. These two men have been part of shepherding our church through a variety of situations and the Lord has used both of them in their gifting to bless us during their time on the Board. Pray for them and their families during this time of transition and praise God for His provision through these men over the years.

Connect with Fellowship
Have you found yourself saying, “I wish I had known that” when it comes to an event or information about Fellowship? We want that to be a very rare occurrence for those who call Fellowship home. We strive to communicate effectively through four main avenues - a weekly email we call eNews, social media (Facebook and Instagram), our website (, and our app.  If you are not getting the eNews, please fill out the Connection Card found in your bulletin and drop in the basket by the door to get signed up. If you used to get the eNews, but now do not, check your spam folder or call the church office.  Fellowship’s social media can be found by searching “Fellowship Conway” on Instagram and Facebook.
Fellowship App - Go to our website for easy instructions to download the Fellowship app -