March 29, 2020

Message Notes          
March 29, 2020| Teacher: Ken Wilson     

The End of the Journey: The Gospel Unhindered
Acts 28:17-31)

Message Slides

Living in an Atomic Age - C.S. Lewis

The Sovereignty of God - Fernando

Guidelines of Evangelism - Swindoll

Paul’s Passion for the Religious Crowd
Witnesses know how to present the Gospel
in context for their audience.

•  Innocence: Paul’s passion is backed by a worthy life (28:17-20).

•  Invitation: Paul’s life gains him a hearing for the gospel (28:21-22).

•  Preaching: Paul clearly declares the message of Jesus in context  (28:23).

•  Response: Some people will respond to the gospel and some will not (28:24-27).

Paul’s Passion for the Nonreligious Crowd
Witnesses present the Gospel boldly
and in every setting because it is empowered by God.

•  Reception: The gospel of grace is open to all people (28:28).

•  Hospitality: The gospel is to be shared when people come to you (28:30).

•  Boldness: The gospel is to be shared with bold passion (28:31).

Lessons for Witnesses:
Witnesses never forget the Mission
as the unhindered gospel goes around the world.

Next Steps
Discuss the message with your family. Read Acts 1:8 and discuss the unfinished task of getting the gospel to people around the world.
• How can you (and your family) make sure you are being a witness today? 

Family Questions
Do you think everyone has heard about Jesus? What makes it hard for some people to hear about Jesus?

How can our family make sure the gospel is still going everywhere in the world?

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.
• Monday - Acts 1-4
• Tuesday - Acts 5-9
• Wednesday - Acts 10-14
• Thursday - Acts 15-18
• Friday - Acts 19-21

Home Church
Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught
Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another.  Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

Home Church Questions

Home Church Questions
Read Acts 28:17-31.
•  What was the main point of the message this week?
•  Was there anything new, interesting, insightful, or even unclear from the
•  What was your main takeaway from this week’s message?
•  This is the fifth time Paul gives his testimony in one form or another.  How is he tailoring this one to his audience?
•  Talk about verse 24. “Some were convinced and others refused to believe.”  This raises some issues that isssue that are often difficult for us to understand.  How did Paul deal with this?
•  Discuss the ending of the book of Acts. Why do you think Luke did not end it with Paul’s death?
•  The book of Acts begins with Christ telling us that we will be His witnesses in the world.  It ends with Paul witnessing.  How do we fit into the plan?
•  Discuss the appropriateness of Fellowship’s Mission Statement in light of our study of the book of Acts.  It says, “Fellowship invites people to enter God’s story, equipping and releasing them to become reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ.”


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