April 5, 2020

Message Notes          
April5, 2020| Teacher: Ken Wilson     

(Acts 1:1-28:31)

Message Slides

Message Resource - Radical Application

Message Resource - Reflections on Acts

Message Resource - Luke and Acts Charts

The Gospel of Luke
(Luke 1:1-24:53)
After careful investigation, Luke wrote to Theophilus–a Gentile believer–providing him with the facts of Jesus’ life in order to encourage him that his faith in Jesus was ordained of God through the Holy Spirit as predicted in the Old Testament and as consistent with the universal appeal of salvation as presented by Christ. 

The Acts of the Apostles
(Acts 1:1-28:31)
Luke, a companion and supporter of Paul’s mission to the Gentiles, set forth the history of the followers of Jesus as empowered by the Holy Spirit, highlighting Peter–who opened the door of the gospel to the Gentiles– and Paul–who expanded the gospel to the ends of the earth–in order to demonstrate that the Global Scope & Mandate for the Gospel is not a new innovation but has always been the Ultimate Mission of God, Commission of Jesus and Priority of the Spirit. 

Fellowship Bible Church
(April 5, 2020)
Fellowship invites people to enter God’s story, equipping and releasing them
to become reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ.

                          Lessons for Witnesses:
Our mission is the continuation of the mission of Jesus Christ.
•  The church is God’s current plan to evangelize the world.
•  Global witness is multifaceted and each of our personal responsibilities.
•  The gospel message is empowered by the Holy Spirit and thus unhindered. 
•  The church will face opposition from without and unrest from within.
•  Prayer is critical at every stage of the life of the church.
•  Faithful witnesses in the church of Jesus Christ will trust the promises of God. 
•  Everyone has a place in God’s story and can get their fingerprints on the Mission.

Next Steps

• Pray more.
• Witness well.
• Get involved.

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Acts 1:1-11
• Tuesday - Acts 2:42-47
• Wednesday - Acts 6:1-7
• Thursday - Acts 13:32-43
• Friday - Acts 20:13-38

Home Church
Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught
Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another.  Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

Home Church Questions
Read Acts 1:1-11 and Acts 28:27-31
•  What was the main point of the message this week?
•  Was there anything new, interesting, insightful, or even unclear from the message?
•  What was your main takeaway from this week’s message?
•  What has been your lasting takeaways from our time in the book of Acts?
•  Spend some time summarizing the entire story of God. 
       - Old Testament: Preparation for and Predictions of Jesus Christ
       - New Testament: Presentation and Provisions of Jesus Christ
       -  Church Age: Proclamation of Jesus Christ to the World
       - Second Coming: Power of Jesus Christ to defeat Satan, Sin, and Death
•  How does God use all kinds of different people to keep telling His story?
•  What are we responsible for and what does God take care of as the gospel is shared?
•  Why is prayer critical?  How can we make it more central to our lives?
•  How are each of us playing our part to get fingerprints on the mission of spreading the gospel?


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