Judges: A Faithful God in a Broken World"Abimelech: As Bad As It Gets - Judges 8:28-9:57

  JUDGES: A Faithful God in a Broken World
"Abimelech: As Bad As It Gets"
(Judges 8:28-9:57)

For bulletin in PDF form click here.

Message Slides

Abimelech Lessons - Chisholm

Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility - Younger

Introduction: Ancient Tyrants and Modern Megalomaniacs

Relentless Repetition (8:28-35)
The persistent idolatry of families and nations escalates and spirals out of control.

Abimelech's Rise (9:1-21)
In God's sovereign plan He uses the ruthless exploits of evil men
to accomplish his divine purposes.
God will give people the kind of leader they deserve.

•  Abimelech's Plot (9:1-6)

•  Jotham's Parable (9:7-15)

•  Jotham's Plea (9:16-21)

Yahweh's Response (9:22-25)
If people, cities, or nations refuse to follow the Lord
He will allow them to self-destruct.

Abimelech's Demise (9:26-55)
The world's system and values produces only chaos and destruction.
God will use the world's system to judge His people if they persist in unbelief. 

•  Gaal's Proposal (9:26-29)

•  Zebul's Plan (9:30-41)

•  Abimelech's Persistence (9:42-49)

•  Abimelech's Punishment (9:50-55)

Yahweh's Response (9:56-57)
If people, cities, or nations refuse to follow the Lord
He will allow them to self-destruct.

The sovereign plan of God cannot be thwarted 
by opposition from without or rebellion from within.

Next Steps
Truth: God is not surprised by world events.  He sovereignly orchestrates the exploits of foolish leaders to accomplish His divine purposes. 

•  Warning: Persistence in idolatry and selfish pursuits of power will lead to only chaos and destruction. 

•  Challenge: Trust God with the future of the world and with your next step. 

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

•. Monday - Judges 8:28-35
•. Tuesday - Judges 9:1-6
•. Wednesday - Judges 9:7-21
•. Thursday - Judges 9:22-41
•. Friday - Judges 9:42-57

Home Church
Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught
Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another.  Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

•  Read Judges 8:28-9:57.
•  What stands out in this passage or from the message?
•  Just for fun. Did you ever have a period of your life that was characterized by "reckless adventure"?
•  Did you ever receive an "offer you couldn't refuse" that turned out to be not so great in the end?  Tell us about it.
•  The past few weeks have given us many examples of parallels between ancient tyrants like Abimelech and modern megalomaniacs. `What similarities do you see in the ancient and modern world?  Make sure you talk about more than politics and leaders.
•  Often people argue over whether God "causes" or "allows" troubling things to happen in the world.  I like to say "God orchestrates every event in the world to accomplish His redemptive purposes."  Why is this discussion relevant?
•  In what way is God calling you to be a "Jotham" and stand up against the "Abimelech" in your life?  What might frighten you about the assignment?
•  Sooner or later God repays wickedness.  What does that inspire in you: Awe? Comfort? Guilt? Fear? Impatience?

Weekly Budget      28,846
Giving For 02/20   25,596
Giving For 02/27   27,317

YTD Budget        1,009,615
YTD Giving         1,202,837
OVER/UNDER          193,221        
Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,535,065
Received-to-date 1,630,987

Afghan Resettlement Update
The team is hoping to have a furnished home and reliable transportation for the Afghan family the Lord brings. If you have household items, furniture, or appliances you are willing to donate,
please email Emily Allison at eallison@fellowshipconway.org.
We are asking only to identify what items are available and will need those items delivered to the home when lodging details are nailed down (we are not able to store or transport items).  

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect” section of your bulletin, tear it off, and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

GriefShare | March  17 - Jine 9 | 6-8:00 p.m.
GriefShare is a support group that meets weekly here at Fellowship, Thursday evenings, 6-8:00 p. m.  You'll find it to be a warm, caring environment and will come to see your group as an "oasis" on your long journey through grief. The 12-week class is $20 and will be March 17-June 9.  For more information contact Joe and Mary Garner at 469-556-8962, or register at fellowshipconway.org/equipping.

Getting Equipped At Fellowship  | March  7 | 6:00 p.m.
Following the success of the first Prayer Course, these five sessions go deeper, provoking honest conversation around the most challenging and most personal questions we all ask about prayer. Video instruction, small group discussion, and practical tools to aid your prayer journey led by Michelle Robinson, Monday evenings in the Fireside Room.  ​To register go to fellowshipconway.org/equipping.

Father/Daughter Dance  | April 2
This is an event fathers and daughters look forward to.  Plan a special place for dinner and then come out to Renewal Ranch from 7-9:30 p.m.  It will be a great night of dancing and making memories.  No cost but we would love to know you will be attending.  Register at fellowshipconway.org/register.

Fellowship Women's Bible Study | April 4-May 17 | 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Calling all Ladies 18 years and older! Has your life ever been interrupted: Loss of job, sickness, unexpected expense, or plans turned upside down? Join us as we engage in a 7-week study on “Jonah” by Priscilla Shirer, starting Monday, April 4th - May 17th. The study consists of reading the book, (please purcahse book before April 4) watching videos with Priscilla Shirer togther, and a time of discussion. Sign up at fellowshipconway.org/register or at the Connection Center. Child care by RSVP to Shanna at 501-336-0332.

Men's Muster | April 22-24 
We are looking forward to heading back to the Shepherd of the Ozarks for Men's Muster this April. Men (ages 14 and older), mark your calendar now and save the date.  More details to come!