The Pentateuch: The Identity of God's People - A Survey of the Bible

The Pentateuch: The Identity of God’s People
A Survey of the Bible

For bulletin inn PDF form click here.

Message Slides

A Mnemonic Review

•  Creator

•  Redeemer

•  Holy

•  Unstoppable

•  Serious

A Visual Review

•  Genesis - In the Beginning

•  Exodus - Exit

•  Leviticus - Offerings and Feasts

•  Numbers - Wanders

•  Deuteronomy - Second Law

Two Lessons on Prayer

•  A Prayer for the Harvest - Matthew 9:35-38

- In the midst of a busy day (9:35)

- Jesus had compassion (9:36)

- He prayed for harvesters (9:37-38)

•  A Pattern for Daily Prayer  - Matthew 6:9-13

- Talk to the Father about the Father

•  The Praise of the Father

•  The Program of the Father

•  The Plan of the Father

- Talk to the Father about the Family

•  The Provision of the Family

•  The Pardon of the Family

• The Protection of the Family

Next Steps
•  Pray for Operation Christmas Child.
•  Pray for harvesters.
•  Pray daily.

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

•. Monday - Deuteronomy 30
•. Tuesday - Psalm 98
•. Wednesday - Isaiah 61:1-11
•. Thursday - Matthew 6:5-15
•. Friday - Matthew 9:35-38

Home Church
Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught
Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another.  Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

Home Church Questions

•  Read Matthew 6:5-15 and Matthew 9:35-38.

•  Was there anything new or insightful in this message?

•  Was there anything you know you can or should immediately apply?

•  What did you struggle with in this message?  What did not make sense or caused you to evaluate your own life more deeply?

•  How would your life personally, or the life of your family be different if you fully lived out the truths in this message?

•  How often do you feel too busy to feel compassion and pray?  What can you do about it?

•  What hinders you from regularly engaging in prayer?

•  What resonates more with your personality: “Prayer is a conversation” or “Prayer is pattern”?

•  How can you improve your prayer life?

Weekly Budget      31,390
Giving For 11/06   54,925
Giving For 11/13   15,945
YTD Budget       627,795
YTD Giving             573,356

OVER/(UNDER)     (54,439)                
Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,535,065
Received-to-date. 1,662,195

Operation Christmas Child
Today is THE last day to drop off Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.
Please bring your boxes to the church this afternoon so they can be processed and packed before being shipped to the collection center.
Also, if you have yard signs, please turn those in TODAY! On December 11, we will reveal the total number of shoeboxes packed and processed, so you won’t want to miss it!
During the loading process, it would be incredibly helpful to have additional dollies/hand trucks available. If you have one of these we could use, please bring it to the church today. You can pick it up tomorrow after the loading process is complete.

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Get Connected in a Home Church
Fellowship’s desire is for everyone to be relationally connected. The primary way we do this is in Home Churches – small groups that meet in living rooms to apply God’s Word, pray, and to serve together.  Go to church for more information.

Fellowship Women’s Christmas Party with Cookie Decorating
Ladies, mark your calendars  for December 15, 6:00 p.m.  here at Fellowship for a Christmas Party and a fun night of cookie decorating.  This will be a great time of fellowship while learning some great decorating skills and an added bonus of yummy treats to take home or give as gifts.  Bring some appetizers to share and
get comfy!  Cost is $10 per person.  Register at   Child care by RSVP to Shanna at 501-336-0332.

Pack a Shoebox Online
We know that time is limited, and many of us feel the crunch. Operation Christmas Child offers a way to still participate in packing boxes through their website. The process is quick, fun, and gives options for you to choose from to fill the box with great items.  Plus, your online boxes will count towards Fellowship’s goal of
7,000.  Go to or scan the QR code to go to the website to get started.  Every box is a Gospel Opportunity and a community hearing the transforming message of Christ.

God has a “world-sized” role for every Christian in His global purpose. Perspectives has equipped thousands of everyday believers with greater vision, hope, and passion. Join us Mondays from 6-9 pm starting January 16th. Come check out the first night for FREE! Visit for more information.

Message Slides