The Simpleton

Proverbs: The Way of Wisdom
The Proverbial Pathway of the Fool
(Various Proverbs)

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Simple, Fool, Scoffer - Self Study Guide

Simple, Fool, Scoffer - Summary

The Simpleton, Naive, Gullible 

•  Character

•  Consequences

•  Cure

The Fool

•  Character

•  Consequences

•  Cure

The Mocker
•  Character

•  Consequences

•  Cure

Wisdom for the Way
The wise person will not be easily led into foolishness
but is discerning and craves the instruction of the Lord
submitting himself wholeheartedly to God.

Next Steps
•  Commit yourself to wholeheartedly pursue God’s wisdom found in His Word and in Jesus Christ.
•  Pray for the simpletons, fools, and mockers in your life. 

This week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Proverbs 20
• Tuesday - Proverbs 21
• Wednesday - Proverbs 22
• Thursday - Proverbs 23
• Friday - Proverbs 24

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Generations Campaign
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Received-to-date 1,422,113

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Kenneth Wilson