Proverbs 9

Proverbs: Competing Invitations
(Proverbs 9)

Sermon Slides - click here

Bulletin in PDF form click here

Invitation to the Feast of Wisdom – Leave to Live (1-6)

Wisdom’s invitation is planned, prepared, and purposed to 
call the young to leave their simple ways in order to
live a life on a firm foundation.

Relational Navigation (7-12)

The path one is on,
 the path of wisdom or the path of folly, 
will be exposed by how they respond to correction.

Invitation to the Feast of Folly (13-18)

Folly’s invitation is one of seduction, that promises secret seclusion, 
but in the end leads to suffering for all who enter.

The Way of Wisdom:
The two invitations boil down to a choice between life and death, choose wisely.

Next Steps
•  Ask the Lord to show you areas in your life vulnerable to Folly’s seduction
•  Pray for yourself, your family, and Home Church to walk in wisdom.

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Proverbs 10
• Tuesday - Proverbs 11
• Wednesday - Proverbs 12
• Thursday - Proverbs 13
• Friday - Proverbs 14


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Shane Wanamaker