February 9, 2020

Message Notes          
February 9, 2020| Teacher: Shane Wanamaker

Message slides - Click here

The Gospel to the Ends of the Earth
Plot: Protected by Providence
Acts 23:12-22

The Plot of the Persecutors
Intensity to silence the gospel might increase
as you remain faithful to His plan.

Relative as a Resource
God enlists unexpected people to further His plan.

The Confidence of a Commander
God is always working to move forward His plan.

Lessons for Witnesses
Witnesses trust God in the good and the bad, 
knowing God works in both to advance the Gospel.

Next Steps

  • I will not be silent in my witness of the gospel.

  • I will trust God’s perfect plan and His provision in the good times and bad

This Week’s Growth Guide

God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

Home Church Questions
•  Read Acts 23:12-22.
•  What stood out to you from the passage?
•  Why is it so urgent for the 40+ oath takers to kill Paul? How does God use people planning to murder Paul to advance the gospel?
•  Did you face any opposition this past week for sharing the gospel with someone? If so, share what happened and pray for those you shared with. If not, was the lack of opposition due to a lack of witness?
•  Who is one person you will pray for an opportunity to share the gospel with this week?
•  Share a difficult time in your life that when you look back you see God working behind the scenes to advance the gospel or grow your faith.
•  God being in control over everything doesn’t mean rescue will always come when we want it, or at all. Have you experienced or at least wrestled with that truth? What conclusions did you come to?
•  What will you do different this week because of this passage?

Father/Daughter Dance | March 7
Dads who have daughters between 5th - 12th grade mark your calendar for Saturday, March 7. That evening take your daughter out for dinner on your own (or with a group of other father/daughters), then join us for a dance afterward at Renewal Ranch’s event room.
No dance experience or skill needed - just a desire to have fun with your daughter!

AT FELLOWSHIP                                                                                     

Get Equipped - For all equipping opportunities go to fellowshipconway.org/equipping
•  The Core (6 weeks) February 9, 9:00 am
•  Bible Study Methods (6 weeks) February 9, 9:00 am  

Fellowhip Kids Volunteers
Do you have what it takes to join our team?  We have the BEST volunteers in Fellowship Kids!  God has blessed us with lots of children requiring us to open an additional room. We are in need of more hands and feet to help us show them Jesus on Sunday mornings.  Contact Heather Fulmer at hfulmer@fellowshipconway.org or Heather McKinney at hmckinney@fellowshipconway.org to discuss where you would like to serve.

Alive Retreat | FEbruary 21-23 | Camp Solgohachia
All 5th-7th graders are invited for an incredible weekend focusing on their relationship with Christ, fellowship with one another, and a whole lot of fun at Camp Solgohachia, located just 30 minutes away from the church. The $90 cost covers all expenses. Rest assured, your child will be shepherded closely all weekend by their wonderful small group leaders. Register at https://tinyurl.com/uoer4ya until February 12th.

FELLOWSHIP KIDS BAPTISM CLASS | February 16, 23, March 1, 8  | 10:45 a.m. | Room 2101
If your child has placed their faith in Christ, we would love for you to join us for this four week class. This is a class for you and your child to attend together as we discuss the character of God, salvation, baptism, and spiritual disciplines. If you are interested, please email Heather Mckinney at hmckinney@fellowshipconway.org.

Dinner and Silent auction | February 26 | 6-8:30 p.m.
Join us to support our Next and Youth mission teams at our annual Dinner and Silent Auction, February 26. Tacos4Life is providing a free dinner so you can focus on bidding  for some exciting items and services provided by team members raising support for our three mission trips - one team to Arlington, TX and two teams to the Czech Republic.  Dinner served from 6-7 p.m. with silent auction following.

Men’s Muster | April 17-19 | Shepherd of the Ozarks
Take a weekend in the Ozarks with men from Fellowship to be refreshed in God’s Word, challenged in your walk, and encouraged by others on the journey with you. Early Bird registration ends February 16, so sign up today at the Connection Center or online at https://tinyurl.com/wgelanq.

Fall Luncheon | February 14
A Valentine’s Luncheon to honor our widows and ladies living alone will be held Friday,  February 14, 12:00 p.m. at 3680 Gresham Drive (home of Ambra Austin).  Join us for a time of fun and fellowship.  RSVP to Ambra, 501-730-6795.

Weekly Budget        25,650
Giving For 01/26     26,165
Giving For 02/02     27,359

YTD Budget            820,801
YTD Giving             826,030

Over (under)        3,520

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,583,361
Received-to-date 1,317,082

Click Here if you would like to give a gift.

To make a gift or a commitment to Generations, you can click Here.