Philippians - In Partnership with God - Philippians 2:12-18

In Partnership with God
(Philippians 2:12-18)

For the bulletin in PDF form, click here.

Message Slides

Salvation as a Process - George Guthrie

Work Out Your Salvation - F.F. Bruce

INTRODUCTION: Major Themes in Philippians

Spiritual Formation

(The Elements of Spiritual Growth)

  • Personal Responsibility: Constant Growth without Supervision  (2:12a)

  • Intentional Effort: Constant Effort with Awe and Reverence  (2:12b)

  • Supernatural Aid: Constant Grace to Empower and Guide  (2:13)

Spiritual Hindrances

(The Obstacles to Spiritual Growth)

  • Bad Attitudes: Negativity Under Your Breath and Out Loud  (2:14-15a)

  • Societal Decay: Not Standing out in a Corrupt World (2:15b-16a)

Spiritual Reward

(The Joy of Spiritual Growth)

  • Personal Satisfaction: The Reward of a Purposeful Life (2:16b)

  • Community Celebration: Serving for the Sake of Others (2:17-18)

Spiritual growth demands constant grace and effort

with a relentless attention to attitudes and lifestyle.

“Work Out Your Salvation”

(Philippians 2:12-18)

       To put it very simply,
“Make salvation operational in your life.”
Allen Ross

In short, those who are part of the new covenant inaugurated
through Jesus Christ by placing their faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, validated by his resurrection have been saved from the penalty of sin, are being saved
from the power of sin, and will be saved from the presence of sin.

Home Church Questions

  • Read Philippians 2:12-18.

  • What immediate application did you gain from the passage or the message?

  • Paul acknowledged their past obedience in verse 12 but pressed them on toward continued obedience in his absence (cf. his prayer in 1:9-11). Why is it easier to relax in your obedience when you are alone? Or when you are facing a stranger who frustrates you?

  • Paul continues in verse 12 with how they are to continue in their obedience, with “fear and trembling.” What is the “fear” that would cause you to “tremble” about disobedience in those situations?

  • Verse 13 conveys an active participation between you and God that results in spiritual growth. At what times and situations do you find your will to obey the weakest? What does this passage teach you to do in these situations?

  • In verses 14 and 15, Paul relates that living as a Christian blamelessly and without fault (NIV) means doing everything without complaining or arguing. When and with whom is it easy to disobey this command? Why does doing everything without complaining or arguing make you “shine as lights” in the dark places of this world?

  • Shining as lights in a warped and crooked generation requires that you “hold firmly to the word of life” (verse 16). In what ways does radical obedience to God’s word bring light into our messed up world?

Pray for the Unreached: Arabic-speaking Algerians are descendants of Berbers who converted to Islam after the Arab invasions. They form the majority population, speaking Algerian Arabic and following Sunni Muslim traditions. Many face unemployment, prompting migration to France and elsewhere for work. Less than 0.1% identify as Christians, with no movement toward Christ. Pray for the Holy Spirit to soften hearts toward the gospel and for believers to share Christ's love in Algeria. Ask for boldness among Kabyle Christians to inspire Jesus movements among these peoples.

Weekly Budget      35,297
Giving For 01/26    25,826
Giving For 02/02    67,719
YTD Budget         1,094,212
Giving                   1,096,775  
OVER/(UNDER)      (    2,563)

Souper Bowl Sunday
Fellowship families, if you were able to bring hearty soups, canned chili, spaghetti sauce, tuna helper, canned meats, and Knorr brand pastas to restock the Bethlehem House shelves, thank you!  If you forgot, there is still time to run by the store, grab some items, and have them back to Fellowship by 1:00 p.m. and we’ll take them to Bethlehem House. If you aren’t able to bring them today by 1:00 p.m., please feel free to drop them off at The Bethlehem House, 930 Faulkner St.

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Getting Equipped at Fellowship
Fellowship, below are some great classes to get equipped in the New Year.  For more information and to register go to
•  Apologetics for Everyone - February 9 - March 2

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Men, join us for a great breakfast and fellowship on Wednesday, February 12, at 6:00 a.m. here in the Fellowship atrium. No sign-up is needed. Come with your Bible ready to eat, fellowship with other men, and start your day off right through prayer and Biblical insight. Contact Michael at

Men’s Muster 2025 - Men don’t retreat. They muster.  Will you muster with us?
Mark your calendars for April 25-27! Men’s Muster is heading to a NEW location—Ferncliff Camp & Conference Center in Little Rock. It’s the perfect weekend to connect, have fun, and be challenged to relentlessly pursue Christ together.  Chris Moore will lead the teaching, and you won’t want to miss it. Registration is $150, with scholarships available. Register at

Middle School Retreat | February 28-March 2
Parents, our new student pastors are taking the Middle School group (5th-7th) to Ferncliff (in Little Rock) the last weekend in March. This is a great opportunity for your students to get to know our new pastors and connect deeper with the students their age. The weekend features Biblical teaching, meaningful small group time, and a ton of fun! To register your student for the retreat, go to

Silent Auction | April 6th
Youth and College Mission Teams will host a Silent Auction on Sunday, April 6th, at 4 PM. We are asking for you to participate in one of three ways. First, do you have a service, item, or experience you can donate to be auctioned off? We would love to have it. Second, we would love for you to show up and support the students and adults on the trip. Finally, if you cannot make it, please consider donating to the event. To donate an item or for any questions, please get in touch with our College Pastor, Andrew Stauffer at