Motivated for Unity - Philippians 2:1-4

Motivated for Unity
 Philippians 2:1-4

Message Slides

For the bulletin in PDF form, click here.

What is it?

How do we get it?

Why should we want it?

Home Church Questions
1. What is an example of a time when you have experienced unity/disunity?  What factors brought about the unity/disunity?  

2. Unity can be challenging to accomplish.  What are some examples of ways you are not unified, even within yourself?  What are some examples of ways you are not unified with someone else?  Why might it be difficult for an entire church to be unified? 

3. In Philippians 1:2, he calls them to the same/one mind.  We are supposed to have the same mindset around some issues.  What are examples of “Level 1 issues” all Christians should be united around in our thinking?  What are some examples of “Level 3 issues” that Christians can agree to disagree about and remain in good fellowship in the same church?   

4. Why is it important for us to recognize these different levels?  What do these levels have to do with unity in a church?   

5. Philippians 2:3-4 reveals that humility is essential for unity.  What is biblical humility, and what is the relationship between humility and unity?   

6. What does it look like for us to “count others more significant?”  Have you experienced someone doing this well?  Describe what this looks like and what this doesn’t look like.   

7. What is an example of a way you can look to the interests of others in your life right now?  What keeps you from doing this more often?   

8. Experiencing biblical unity through humility requires a healthy motivation.  What are some healthy motives for seeking humility and unity (see 2:1)?  What usually motivates you to work for humility and unity?  

Pray for the Unreached:  The Moroccan Arabs, descended from 7th-century Arab invaders, have intermarried with native Berber tribes, who now make up 30-50% of Morocco's population. While Berbers retain their own languages, Arab culture dominates politics, industry, and lowland agriculture, with Berbers occupying the mountainous regions. Morocco enforces anti-conversion laws, and Moroccan Arabic (Darija) is rarely used for reading, despite the availability of the New Testament in this dialect. With less than 0.1% of Moroccan Arabs identifying as Christians, 490 workers are needed to reach them. Pray for the seeds of faith sown by past believers to grow and lead Moroccan families to seek Jesus through His Word. Ask God to grant Morocco’s leaders wisdom to govern justly and allow freedom of faith. Pray for boldness among Moroccan believers to share Jesus’ love, resulting in multiplying fellowships among Arabs and Berbers.  

Weekly Budget      35,297
Giving For 01/12    22,925
Giving For 01/19    25,529
YTD Budget         1,023,617
Giving                   1,003,230  
OVER/(UNDER)      (20,387)

2025 Night of Worship
Fellowship we hope you are able to join us tonight for our annual Night of Worship.

In this unique, circle-shaped setting, the worship team will be right alongside the congregation, creating a deeply personal and meaningful opportunity to worship together. We’ll sing praises, read Scripture, and lift our hearts in prayer, beginning the year united in faith. Childcare is available upon request for children ages 6 and younger by contacting Shanna Franklin at (501) 336-0332.

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Stoby’s Pancake Fundraiser - Czech Mission Trip 2025

Fellowship, join us for breakfast or brunch while helping the 2025 Czech Mission Team.  The team will be serving February 2, from 8-1:00 p.m. at Stoby’s. Tickets are $8 for all you can eat pancakes.  Buy your tickets today in the Atrium, from a Czech team member, or the ministry office.

Getting Equipped at Fellowship
Fellowship, below are some great classes to get equipped in the New Year.  For more information and to register go to
•  How to Study the Bible - February 2 - February 16
•  Eschatology - February 8
•  Apologetics for Everyone - February 9 - March 2

Fellowship Women Galentines Night
Ladies, join us here at Fellowship, February 11, at 6:00 at p.m. for a night of cookie decorating and fun fellowship. Register at  Cost is $10 per person. Child care is provided by texting Shanna at 501-336-0332. 

Two Great Opportunities - One Night | February 7, 6-8:30 PM

For more information or to register for one or both events, please go to
Parent’s Night Out Czech Kid’s Fundraiser - We are offering you a night out while supporting the Fellowship Kids’ mission trip to the Czech Republic.
•  Renewed: A Night Devoted to Marriages - Join us for a night of teaching, discussion, and some Q&A from an experienced panel as we lean into our marriage journeys.

Fellowship Father/Daughter Dance
Dads, here is an opportunity to create memories with your daughter that will last a lifetime at the Father/Daughter Dance.  This year’s theme is Once Upon a Time! Join us Saturday, February 1st, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM, 5th-12 grades, at Renewal Ranch. Start the evening with a special dinner out, then join us at Renewal Ranch for a delightful night of ballroom dancing, fun, and laughter.  Register at