Philemon: Partnership, Brotherhood, and Forgiveness
A Survey of the Bible

Message Slides

Philemon Chart - Wilson

Slavery in the New Testament - Robert Wall

Slavery in the New Testament - Dan Wallace

Argument of Philemon - Dan Wallace

Occassion of Philemon - Robert Wall

Onesimus - Bishop of Antioch - Swindoll

Brief Insights on the Epistles - Michael Heiser

The Message of Philemon - Constable

A Good Word “Slave” - Joseph Fantin

Context: Who, Where, When, and Why?

•  Who composed Philemon?

•  Who was the original audience of Philemon?

•  When and where was Philemon written?

•  Why was Paul writing?

Content: How and What?

•  How is Philemon organized?

    Epistolary Prescript: Salutation and Greeting (1-3)

    Partnership: The Character of Philemon  (4-7)

- Thanksgiving: Thankful for His Love and Faith (4-5)

- Request: Prayer for an Effective Partnership (6-7)

    Personal Pleas: The Conversion of Onesimus (8-11)

- The appeal is not based on Paul's legitimate authority (8).

- The appeal is made on the basis of their relationship (9-11).

- The appeal is made on the basis of the value of Onesimus as a brother (12-16).

    Purpose: The Confidence of Paul (17-21)

- The appeal is based on an assumed partnership (17-19).

- Caveat: Philemon owes Paul for his spiritual life (19b).

- Philemon's positive response will refresh Paul (20).

- Paul is confident Philemon will respond positively (21).

Conclusion: Travel Plans, Greetings, and Benediction  (22-25)

•  What is the message of Philemon?

Conviction: So What?

•  Where does Philemon fit?

- Philemon is Paul’s most pointedly personal and direct letter.

- This letter is full of rhetorical devices like irony, word-play and surprise which serve Paul’s persuasive purposes well.

- Paul applies the doctrine of redemption to a very relevant social setting in a specific church.

- The book of Philemon provides insight into a biblical view of slavery.

•  What should we believe?   

- We are all equal in Christ.  Social status and wealth means nothing in the church.

- Our relationship with Christ changes all other relationships.

- Fellowship (κοινωνια) is important for everyone in the church.  We are all “partners in ministry” (1:6; 17).

- Forgiveness of others should be easily granted in light of our own forgiveness in Christ.

•  How should we behave?

- Forgiving quickly.

- Partnering equally.

- Serving together.

Next Steps
•  Love!
•  Partner!

This Week's Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

•. Monday - Philemon 1-7
•. Tuesday - Philemon 8-11
•. Wednesday - Philemon 12-16
•. Thursday - Philemon 17-21
•. Friday - Philemon 22-25

Home Church Launches in August
Home Church is all about relationships, and small groups are where those relationships are built. This fall we will be launching new groups of 12-16 people who will pray, study, and serve together while growing spiritually. If you are not in a Home Church, please go to and fill out the form so we know you are desiring to connect in a small group.

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Fellowship Women’s Recipe swap
Join the ladies of Fellowship Women’s ministry for a recipe swap on Sunday July 21, 6:00 p.m.  at 63 Moseley Lane (home of Gale Allen).  Bring your favorite comfort food to share. Please email your recipe by July 17  to

Fellowship Czech team

Fellowship’s team is currently in the Czech Republic, partnering with a church to reach students with the Gospel. The team will help facilitate an English and Sports camp to build relationships, share the Gospel, and make connections between the students and the Czech youth group so that the ministry continues when we depart. Please pray for the team, for the partner church, and for the students who will be coming. May God be glorified.

Automate the Important

We understand that summer can be a whirlwind of new schedules and travel. To ensure the continuous growth of Fellowship’s ministry, we encourage you to automate your giving process. It’s a straightforward and hassle-free process. Just visit, click “Ready to Give?” then “Recurring,” and fill out the necessary information. If you need any assistance, feel free to contact Emily in our office at 501-327-3444 between 8:30 and 4:30, Monday through Thursday.

Prayer During Service
We love to pray for one another. Our prayer team will have people at the front of the Auditorium under the Hope and Love signs to pray for you after the message. Please feel free to walk up to them for prayer or encouragement during the first worship song after the message.

Downline - 9 Months That Will Change Your Life
Apply now for next year’s Downline class that starts on August 27th. The program equips individuals to know God’s Word and make disciples where God has strategically placed you around the city. Space and time are limited, so visit for more information and to submit your application.