A Survey of the Bible

For the bulletin in PDF form, click here.

Message Slides

Revelation Chart - Wilson

Brief Insights on Revelation #1 - Michael Heiser

Brief Insights on Revelation #2 - Michael Heiser

Introduction to Revelation - Robert W. Wall

Interpreting Revelation - Dennis Johnson

The Structure and Plan of John’s Apocalypse - Greg Beale

The Sevenfold Pattern of Woes in Revelation - Greg Beale

The Main Theological Messages of Revelation - Greg Beale

Numbers in the Book of Revelation - Mark. W. Wilson

The Symbolic Significance of Numbers in Revelation - Greg Beale

The Significance of the Use of Symbols in Revelation - Greg Beale

The Christology of Heaven - Buist Fanning

The Theology of Revelation - Buist Fanning

The Nature and Purpose of the Millennium - Buist Fanning

Reading Revelation Politically - Patrick Schriner

Context: Who, Where, When and Why?

•  Who composed Revelation?

•  Who was John’s original audience?

•  When was Revelation written?

•  Where were the author and his readers?

•  Why was Revelation written?

Content: How and What?

Prologue: Introduction to the Vision (1:1-8)

The PAST - The Things which You have Seen - The Vision of the Exalted Christ (1:1-20).

The PRESENT - The Things Which Are - The Messages to the Seven Churches (2:1-3:22).

The FUTURE - The Things Which Shall Take Place After These Things (4:1-22:21).

- Setting: The Throne of God (4:1-11)

- The Seven Seal Judgments [1-6] (6:1-17)

•  Parenthesis: The Redeemed [144,000] (7:1-17)

- The Seven Trumpet Judgments [7th Seal] (8:1-15:19)

•  Parenthesis:  Little Scroll (10:1-11) - Two Witnesses (11:1-14)

- Wars in Heaven and Earth (12:1-17)

- The Beast: Political Leader (13:1-10)

- The False Prophet - Religious Leader (13:11-18)

•  INTERLUDE: Witnesses and Angels (14:1-20)

- Seven Angels with Seven Plagues (15:1-8)

- The Seven Bowl Judgments (16:1-21)

- The Harlot: Religious Babylon (17:1-18)

- The City: Political Babylon (18:1-24)

•  Parenthesis: Hallelujah in Heaven (19:1-10)

- Armageddon: The Second Advent of Christ (19:11-21)

- The Millennial Reign of Christ and End of History (20:1-15)

- The New Heaven and New Earth (21:1-27)

Epilogue: Final Words and Admonition (22:6-21)

•  What is the message of Revelation?

Conviction: So What?

•  Where does Revelation fit?

- The book of Revelation sets forth the culmination of the plan of God.

•  What should we believe?   

- Jesus, the exalted Warrior King will return and set all things right in a New Heaven and Earth.

•  How should we behave?

- Patiently waiting for the Lord to set all things right and redeem all of creation.

- Patiently enduring the persecution of the evil one and his corrupt world system.

- Patiently expecting the Return of Christ in glory to rule and reign over all.

Next Steps
•  Wait
patiently for the Lord.
•  Endure
courageously no matter what.
•  Expect
victory as the final outcome.

This Week's Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

•. Monday - Revelation 1:1-20
•. Tuesday - Revelation 2:1-3:22
•. Wednesday - Revelation 4:1-5:14
•. Thursday - Revelation 6:1-17
•. Friday - Revelation 19:1-21
•. Saturday - Revelation 20:2-15
•. Sunday - Revelation 21:1-22:21

Home Church Questions
1. What stood out to you from Ken’s message that affects how you live now?

2. Working together as a team, retrace the historical story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. You might want to refer to the list of books in the front of your Bible. Remember that historically the Old Testament ends with the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.

3. How would you describe God’s story as contained in the Bible?

4. Read 21:1-8 and 22:12-13. Discuss how we as believers should live in the present in anticipation of this our eternal destiny.

5. How has Ken’s foray through the books of the Bible strengthened your understanding of and commitment to His word?

MISSION HIGHLIGHT - Pray for the Unreached: The Brahmin in India
The Brahmins, historically a priestly and influential caste in India, continue to hold high social status, though many now pursue modern professions instead of traditional religious roles. Changes in India’s economy and education are reshaping caste dynamics, but less than 0.1% of Brahmins are Christians. Hinduism is the primary religion among the Brahmin, and an estimated 700 workers are needed to reach the nearly 35 million Brahmin in India.  Pray that they recognize  their true priestly identity in Jesus and embrace the joy of serving Him. Pray that servant leaders are brought up within the Brahmin, who draw all castes to Jesus. Pray that Scripture finds its way into their homes and hearts, helping them lead others into the presence and security of Christ.

Weekly Budget      35,297
Giving For 11/17    47,080
Giving For 11/124  25,843
YTD Budget          741,646
Giving                     651,395  
OVER/(UNDER)     (89,845)

Read Through The Bible - Today we finish “ A Survey of the Bible” with Revelation.
On Monday, December 2, the worship center will be open for Fellowship to read through the entire Bible, Genesis to Revelation, as an application of what we have learned. Time slots are broken into 30 minutes, sign up for as many as you like.  To sign up go to

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Fellowship Women’s Potluck & P.J.’s
Ladies, put your comfy P.J.’s on, bring a dish to share and join us Thursday, December 5, 6-8:00 p.m. at 11 Skyland Dr. (home of Amy McKissack).  Bring a friend or meet a new friend, and be ready for a night of hanging out together.  

Christmas Offering
This December, Fellowship’s Christmas Offering is for The Operation Christmas Child Special Pack (held in October 2025). The gifts received will determine the number of boxes we can send. To send each gospel opportunity (box) costs $20 for items, transportation, and the tools needed to share the hope found in Christ with a child. Please consider giving above and beyond your regular giving to the worthy cause of getting the gospel to sensitive areas that are difficult to reach. You can use an envelope by offering baskets or give online by selecting “Christmas Offering” from the options. For an idea of what we are trying to raise, we packed 2,800 boxes this year, which is equal to $56,000.

Christmas at Fellowship
Join us for a Candlelight Christmas Eve Service on Tuesday, December 24, at 4 pm and 6 pm. The service is a Fellowship favorite of tradition, family, and a few surprises this year.

Fellowship 101
We invite you to join us on Sunday, January 12, at 9:00 a.m. to learn more about Fellowship. This is a great opportunity to hear about our mission, values, and our ministries. If you’re new to Fellowship, join us in the conference room (first floor) to hear what God is doing and where He is taking us. During this time, you will meet some of our ministry leaders and get to ask questions.  Register at 

Perspectives Classes begin on January 14
Perspectives is a fifteen-lesson discipleship course exploring different aspects of God’s global purpose in a multi-faceted learning experience. Tuesday evenings beginning January 14 from 6:00-9:00 PM at the Summit Church. The first week is free to check it out. For more information, go to