A Survey of the Bible
For the Bulletin in PDF form, click here.
Jude and the Epistle to Jude - Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Insights on Jude - J. Daryl Charles
Introduction to Jude - Jim Samra
Survey and Theological Insights on Jude - Jim Samra
Brief Insights on Revelation #1 - Michael Heiser
Brief Insights on Revelation #2 - Michael Heiser
Context: Who, Where, When, and Why?
• Who composed Jude?
• Who was Jude’s original audience?
• When was Jude written?
• Where were the author and his readers?
• Why was Jude written?
Content: How and What?
PROBLEM - Ungodly False Teachers: Old and New (1-16).
- Salutation (1-2)
- The Reason for Writing: Contend for the Faith (3)
- The Judgment of the Ungodly (4-16)
• The Current Crisis: Godless False Teachers in the Church (4)
• The Past Precedent: Three Very Good Bad Examples (5-7)
• The Present Parallel: Arrogance and Greed (8-13)
• The Future Prospect: Judged by God and Angels (14-16)
PRESCRIPTION - Persevere in the Faith (17-25).
- An Appeal to the Godly (17-23)
• Don't be surprised by the presence of false teachers (17-19).
• Build Yourself Up in the Faith (20-21).
• Assist Others who Struggle (22-23).
- Doxology: God is Able and God is Worthy (24-25).
• What is the message of Jude?
Conviction: So What?
• Where does Jude fit?
- Jude, the brother of James and half brother of Jesus, originally intended to write about the nature of and glory of the salvation we have in Christ.
- The rise of false teachers and growth of their impact on the community
shifted Jude’s focus to writing a letter warning about these false teachers and calling believers to fight hard for the truth of the teachings they have heard.
• What should we believe?
- False teachers have always been and always will be a problem.
- False teachers pervert the truth (doctrinal error) and pervert grace
(promoting immorality).
- While the judgment of false teachers may be delayed, it is no less certain.
How should we behave?
Take a strong and constant stand for the truths of the gospel and it’s implications.
Keep yourself in the center of God’s love by loving Him wholeheartedly.
Rest secure in the power of God who can keep you from falling doctrinally or morally.
Next Steps
• Take a firm stand and graciously fight for the truth of Christianity.
• Allow God to be the judge of all deceitful and immoral false teachers.
• Rely on the power of God to keep you safe and secure in His love.
This Week's Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.
•. Monday - Jude 1-3
•. Tuesday - Jude 4-7
•. Wednesday - Jude 8-13
•. Thursday - Jude 14-16
•. Friday - Jude 17-21
•. Saturday - Jude 22-23
•. Sunday - Jude 24-25
Home Church Questions
• Read the text together. How did Ken’s message apply to you personally?
• The first of Jude’s message to believers is to contend for the faith (verse 3). What are some current teachings and/or trends, particularly inside the Christian community, that threaten the core truths of Christianity? How can you be a part of preserving “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (ESV)?
• The second of Jude’s message to believers is to persevere in the faith (verses 20-21). He presents a fourfold pattern for maintaining perseverance of “building… praying… keeping… waiting.” How do each of these contribute to your faithful perseverance? How are you doing?
• Throughout his letter, Jude presents a litany of characteristics of the false teachers who secretly creep into the church. Read again verses 4, 8, 10-13, and 16. What stands out as things to watch for in identifying false teachers?
• On the other hand, Jude presents others as needing our assistance in verse 22. Who are these individuals and how do you distinguish them from the false teachers?
• Jude makes it clear that God brings about judgment on the ungodly and the enemies of his truth. Do you find yourself stressing over the evil and unbelief in the world that is progressing from bad to worse? How should you respond to Jude’s message of coming judgment?
• What do you have to look forward to in verse 24? How can you keep that at the forefront of your thoughts in a world gone in turmoil?
MISSION HIGHLIGHT - Pray for the Unreached: The Malay in Malaysia
Malaysia has a population of 13.2 million, with Islam as the predominant religion and Malay as the main language. Less than 0.1% of the population are Christians. While the complete Bible is available in both written and oral forms, no gospel movement has been reported. The need for 264 workers is estimated, with a ratio of 1 worker per 50,000 people. Focus prayer on sending Jesus-following families to live among the Malays, sharing love, forgiveness, and the gospel. There is a call for the Scriptures in the Malay language to reveal God’s love, for healing in families, and for a new generation of Malays to spread the Good News to others.|
Weekly Budget 35,297
Giving For 11/03 34,373
Giving For 11/10 32,141
YTD Budget 670,646
Giving 578,472
OVER/(UNDER) (92,174)
Operation Christmas Child - Operation Christmas Child collection week is here!
We need volunteers Week starting tomorrow. To volunteer and for drop off dates and times, go to fellowshipconway.org/occ. Sunday, November 24 will be the LAST drop off day we can accept boxes for 2024. Thank you for helping us reach our 8,100 shoe box goal! During the loading process, it would be incredibly helpful to have additional dollies/hand trucks available. If you have one of these we could use, please bring it to the church next Sunday. You can pick it up next Monday after the loading process is complete.
New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you chose to worship with our Fellowship Family this morning. If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you. Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.
Plan a night out on December 6, 6-8:30 p.m. We will take care of your kiddos, birth—4th grade, for our annual Parents Night Out! Feed them dinner before they arrive, put them in their favorite pajamas, and bring them to us. We will play games, make Christmas crafts, have a little snack and watch a movie while you enjoy a free evening! Register at fellowshipconway.org/register. Registration ends November 29.
OCC Dedication - November 24 - Both Services
Kids in preschool through 7th Grade will attend church with their families. Fellowship Kids will still be open for babies and toddlers.
Fellowship Women’s Potluck & P.J.’s
Ladies, put your comfy P.J.’s on, bring a dish to share and join us Thursday, December 5, 6-8:00 p.m. at 11 Skyland Dr. (home of Amy McKissack). Bring a friend or meet a new friend, and be ready for a night of hanging out together.
On Sunday, December 1, we complete the “Through the Bible Series” with Revelation. On Monday, December 2, the worship center will be open for Fellowship to read through the entire Bible, Genesis to Revelation, as an application of what we have learned. Slots are broken into 30 minutes that we are asking you to sign up for. To sign up for your 30-minute reading time, go to fellowshipconway.org/register.
Perspectives Classes begin on January 14
Perspectives is a fifteen-lesson discipleship course exploring different aspects of God’s global purpose in a multi-faceted learning experience. Join us on Tuesday evenings beginning January 14 from 6:00-9:00 PM at the Summit Church. The first week is free to check it out. Fellowship highly recommends taking this class. For more information, go to perspectives.org/courses/conway-ar-s25/.