A Wisdom Review and a Prophets Preview - A Survey of the Bible

A Wisdom Review and A Prophets Preview
A Survey of the Bible

For bulletin in PDF form click here.

Message Slides

Descriptive Praise - Psalm 100

Lament - Psalm 13

Declarative Praise - Psalm 18

Prophets are not Primarily Predicting the Future - Heiser

Prophets are Not Crazy - Heiser

Prophets at Different Times and Places - Heiser

Servant of Isaiah is Individual and Collective - Heiser

Introduction to the Prophetic Books - Hays

Introduction to the Prophetic Books - Wilson

Reminders for the Wisdom Books

•  Job is more about Sovereignty than Suffering.

•  Proverbs are Principles not Promises.

•  Ecclesiastes is Realistic not Hopeless.

•  Song of Solomon is Really about passion in Marriage.

Real Examples from the Psalms

•  A Descriptive Praise - Psalm 100 (cf. 17)

•  A Classic Lament  - Psalm 13 (cf. 22)

•  A Declarative Praise Psalm - Psalm 30 (cf. 103)

Preparation for the Prophets

•  The Test of the Prophets

- Deuteronomy 13:1-5 - “If he leads you away from the Lord, Kill him!”

- Deuteronomy 18:21-21 - “if the prophecy does not come to pass, Ignore him!”

•  The Types of the Prophets   

- Non-Writing Prophets - especially Elijah and Elisha

- The Writing Prophets - Major and Minor

•  The Times of the Prophets

- Pre-exilic Prophets (Israel and Judah)

- Exilic Prophets (Daniel in the Palace and Ezekiel in the Ghetto)

- Post-exilic Prophets (Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi)

•  The Temperament of the Prophets

- Outsiders to the Community

- Covenant Enforcers

- More Preacher than Predictor

*  Critiquing the Culture – Leading to Grief

*  Energizing the People – Leading to Hope

*  Calling Forth Alternative Living – Leading to Faith

•  The Message of the Prophets - (Palestinian Covenant: Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 30-32)

- Obedience Brings Blessing!

- Disobedience Brings Discipline!

- Repentance Brings Restoration!

•  The Charge of the Prophets

- Idolatry - “You have forsaken the one and only true God, your Redeemer.”

- Ritualism - “Your worship is empty and you are just going through the motions.”

- Social Injustice - “Your religion has not impacted your lifestyle.” (Widows, Orphans, Aliens)

Next Steps
•  I will write out my own Psalm appropriate for my current situation.
•  I will examine my life to see if I am guilty of:
- Idolatry - "You have forsaken the one and only true God, your Redeemer."
- Ritualism - "Your worship is empty, and you are just going through the motions.
- Social Justice - "Your religion has not impacted your lifestyle."

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

•. Monday - Proverbs 1:1-7
•. Tuesday - Job 38
•. Wednesday - Psalm 13
•. Thursday - Psalm 100
•. Friday - Psalm 103
•. Saturday - Ecclesiastes 12
•. Sunday -
Song of Songs 8

Weekly Budget      32,692
Giving For 07/02   11,455
Giving For 07/09  29,985
YTD Budget          62,779
Giving                    41,440
Over/(Under)   (21,339)  

Women’s Fellowship Recipe Swap
Ladies, invite your friends and bring your favorite dish to share August 2, 6:00 p.m. at 63 Moseley Lane. 
Come enjoy a fun time with other women, while sampling great food. Plus, you will leave with a book of recipes! Choose your dishes to share, then email the recipe to spicerl@conwayschools.info. We will put all the recipes we receive together so everyone can take home a book of recipes that you’ve already sampled. 
For child care RSVP by text to Shanna at 501-336-0332.

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium; we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

The Christian faith was designed to be lived out in community. Spiritual growth happens as believers come together to read Scripture, pray, and serve alongside one another. Fellowship desires everyone to find that community, and the primary way this is achieved is through our small group ministry called Home Church. A Home Church is comprised of 12-16 people who gather weekly and discuss how to apply the word of God to their lives. Plan now to prioritize one evening a week (typically Sunday or Wednesday evening) to join others in community to encourage, sharpen, and spur one another on in faith. You will be glad you did! Sign-ups begin the first of August.

Automate the Important
Summer travel is here, and routines will be changed. Plan now to ensure your giving continues throughout the summer, even when you are away.  Would you consider setting up recurring giving for the next few months to enable Fellowship to continue to have the resources needed to carry out its mission? Go to
fellowshipconway.org/give and click on “Automate the Important” to get started.

Nine Months That Will Change Your Life - Downline
Apply now for next year’s Downline class that starts on August 29th. The program equips individuals to know God’s Word and make disciples where God has strategically placed you around the city. Go to DownlineConway.com for more information and to submit your application.  Questions?  Contact Chris Kear at

Fellowship places a high value on prayer. After the message, members of our prayer team will be under “Hope” and “Love” for anyone who would like to be prayed for this morning. A team member will walk into the hall with you to pray with you.

Czech Team Has Returned
Thank you for praying for the team of 15 that has returned from the Czech Republic.  Please continue to pray their time spent overseas will continue to bear fruit.