Ruth: Faithful Living in a Hostile World

Ruth: Faithful LIVING in a HOSTILE World
"Down at the Threshing Floor" (Part 1)
(RUTH 3:1-18)

For bulletin in PDF form click here.

Message Slides

Strategic Riteousness - Piper

Integrity and ִHesed - Younger

The Messager of Ruth - Ross

Matchmaker, Matchmaker (3:1-6)
God Often Uses Risky Plans with Honorable People
to Accomplish His Purpose.

•  Naomi: A risky plan with an honorable man is worth trying (3:1-4).

•  Ruth: A risky plan from an honest woman is worth trying (3:5-6).

Make Me a Match (3:7-14)
God Helps the Needy through the Gracious Provision of Others.

•  Ruth: Trusting God's plan for gracious provision is often risky (3:7,9,14).

•  Boaz: Responding to a request to generously provide is often surprising (3:8, 10-15).

Find Me a Find, Catch Me a Catch (3:16-18)
Resting in the Providence of God Often Requires Patient Waiting.

•  Ruth: Resting in the providence of God requires observation (3:16-17).

•  Naomi: Resting in the providence of God requires patience (3:18).

Waiting to find rest in the providence of God
is often risky and surprising.

Next Steps
Discuss with someone how you determine what is feasible, faith, and foolish.

•  Why is waiting for God's provision so hard but so worth it?  When have you experienced this?  When have you gotten impatient and messed it up?

•  Is there a place in your life where you are being asked to be an instrument of God's grace to someone else?  What are you doing about it?

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

•. Monday - Acts 1:1-11
Tuesday - Acts 1:12-26
•. Wednesday - Acts 2:1-13
•. Thursday - Acts 2:14-37
•. Friday - Acts 2:38-47


Weekly Budget      31,390
Giving For 07/ 31  25,607
Giving For 08/0 7   25,050
YTD Budget         188,338
YTD Giving           145,005
OVER/(UNDER)    (43,333)                
Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,535,065
Received-to-date 1,650,825

Get Connected in a Home Church
Fellowship’s desire is for everyone to be relationally connected.
The primary way we do this is in Home Churches – small groups that meet in living rooms to apply God’s Word, pray, and to serve together.
Stop by the Home Church table in the Atrium and let us help you get connected. 
For more information go to

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Fellowship Kids School Year Session | August 21- May 28
Do you have a heart to see our kids develop a relationship with Jesus? Come join us as we partner with our families in leaving a legacy of faith. We have a place for you whether behind the scenes or face to face.
Interested? Contact Heather Fulmer at

Fellowship Women’s Retreat - September 23-25
Shepherd of the Ozarks - Relax…Recharge…Reconnect -
Hear women in our church body talk about God’s faithful, reliable love working in their lives. Early registration is $125 through September 4. Regular registration is $140 through September 11. Register at  For questions, email Lesta Eberhard at

Precepts Women’s Study: Revelation 1-3
We will study Jesus’ letters to the seven churches, and how it still speaks to the Church today.  Tuesdays, beginning September 6, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost is $20. Details from Mindy at the Connection Center or at

Come experience Downline this fall!   August 30
Nine Months That Will Change Your Life - Fellowship partners with Downline to equip our people to make disciples. Downline is now taking applications for next year’s class that kicks off on August 30th. Apply now while space and time remain.  Get more information or apply at

Griefshare | August 20 - NOvember 19
GriefShare is a support group that meets weekly here at Fellowship Saturdays, 10-12 Noon.  The 12-week class is $20 and will be from August 20-November 19.  For more information contact Joe and Mary Garner at 469-556-8962.