Numbers: God's Work in the Wilderness - A Survey of the Bible

Numbers: God's Work in the Wilderness
A Survey of the Bible

Message Slides

Numbers Chart - Wilson

Numbers Summary - Peterson

Wilderness Wanderings - Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary

Context: Who, When, Where, and Why?

For bulletin in PDF form click here.

•  Who composed Numbers?

•  When did he write?

•  Where were he and his audience?

•  Why was he writing?

Content: How and What?

•  How is Numbers organized?

- Narrative Flow: Preparation (Travel) Postponement (Travel) Preparation

  - Thematic Emphasis:

•  Preparation of the Nation:

Organization (1:1-2:34) • Instruction (3:1-10:10)

•  Rebellion of the Nation:

Unbelief at Kadesh (10:11-14:45) • Wandering in the Desert (15:1-19:22)

•  Rebirth of the Nation:

New Leadership (20:1-22:1) • New Opposition (22:2-25:18) • New Hope (26:1-36:13)

•  What is the message of Numbers?

Conviction: So What?

•  What should we believe?   

- The Lord is concerned with our preparation for spiritual battle.

- The Lord may test us to see if we are ready for more.

- The Lord is patient but may not give us unlimited chances.

- The Lord is unstoppable and will not be hindered from within or without.

•  How should we behave?

- Cooperate with the plan of God and trust Him completely.

- Prepare for spiritual battle and take advantage of opportunities to grow.

Where does this fit?

- A Paradigm of the Christian Life

Next Steps
•  Embrace the challenges of spiritual growth and prepare for them.

•  Step into the new levels of growth God has for you.

•  God is unstoppable so cooperate with His plan.

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.•.

•. . Monday - Numbers 6:1-27
•. Tuesday - Numbers 9:1-23
•. Wednesday - Numbers 13:1-33
•. Thursday - Numbers 14:1-45
•. Friday - Hebrew 6:1-12

Home Church
Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught
Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another.  Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

Home Church Questions

•  Read Numbers 14:1-45.

•  Was there anything new or insightful in this message?

•  Was there anything you know you can or should immediately apply?

•  What did you struggle with in this message?  What did not make sense or caused you to evaluate your own life more deeply?

•  How would your life personally, or the life of your family be different if you fully live out the truths in this message?

•  Where are you being challenged to grow spiritually right now?

•  What are the giants in your land of spiritual growth?

•  Do you have any time in your life when you should have …, didn't… and then lost the opportunity?

•  Where are you facing opposition to your spiritual growth?

•  What does it look like to trust God in spite of your own rebellion and the world's opposition?


Weekly Budget      31,390
Giving For 10/23   28,302
Giving For 10/30   15,223
YTD Budget        565,015
YTD Giving          502,486
OVER/(UNDER)     (62,529)                
Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,535,065
Received-to-date 1,659,890

Operation Christmas Child - Operation Christmas Child collection week is almost here!

We are excited about your involvement as we work toward our goal of 6,100 boxes! The GO Store, located in Downtown Conway, is the perfect place for you to buy approved items to put in your box for a fraction of the cost of retail. That means, if you plan to pack 1 box, you might be able to pack 2 or 3 boxes for the same amount! Also, we need volunteers for OCC Collection Week, November 14 - 21, so please visit the
Fellowship app on your phone and click the OCC icon to sign up or visit the website and click on the OCC picture.

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Get Connected in a Home Church
Fellowship’s desire is for everyone to be relationally connected. The primary way we do this is in Home Churches – small groups that meet in living rooms to apply God’s Word, pray, and to serve together.  Go to church for more information.

Parents Night out | December 2 |  6-8:30 p.m.
Feed your kids, load them up in their pajamas, and bring them to us.  We will provide snacks and a fun filled evening while you enjoy a few hours of quiet time, Christmas shopping, or even a date night! This event is for kids Nursery through 4th Grade. Deadline to register is November 14.  Register at

Women’s Directory | Stop by the connection center

With a desire for members to be relationally connected, ladies from the Women’s Ministry are creating a private, online, password-protected Women’s Directory (print versions by request only for those who participate). We hope the directory helps to put names with faces and more easily connect! This will not be used for outside solicitation purposes, only for connecting with other Fellowship women. Come by the Connection Center and complete a simple information form by October 30th or email your info to


God has a “world-sized” role for every Christian in His global purpose. Perspectives has equipped thousands of everyday believers with greater vision, hope, and passion. Join us Mondays from 6-9 pm starting January 16th. Come check out the first night for FREE! Visit for more information.

Griefshare - Surviving the holidays | November 19 |  10-12 noon
We are hosting a “Surviving the Holidays” seminar to help you deal with the emotions and the impact holidays can have. Join us and find hope for the future.  No reservations necessary. Cost is  $5.00.

Dates to Return Shoeboxes
Fellowship can start bringing their packed Operation Christmas Child boxes on Sunday, November 13th. Until then, we ask you to fill, pray, and store your boxes at home while we prepare to receive them. We are excited to see what God will do!