Exodus: The Redemption and Constitution of Israel - A Survey of the Bible

Exodus: The Redemption and Constitution of Israel
A Survey of the Bible

For bulletin in PDF form click here.

Message Slides

Exodus Chart - Wilson

Exodus Summary - Peterson

Historical Background of Exodus - Ross

Come On, Let Us Adore Him - Wilkin

Context: Who, When, Where, and Why?

•  Who composed Exodus?

•  When did he write?

•  Where were he and his audience?

•  Why was he writing?

Content: How and What?

•  How is Exodus organized?

- Characters: Moses  (1-3) • Pharaoh (4-6) • The Lord (7-13) • Israelites (14-40)

- Sections: Deliverance from Egypt (1-19) • Instructions at Sinai (20-40)

- Sections: Oppression: God Permits (1-6) • Deliverance: God Acts (7-18) • Instruction: God Speaks (20–40)

- Theological Emphasis: The Presence of the Lord (3:!2; 6:8; 13:17-22; 19:1-25; 24:9-18; 33:12-23; 40:34-38)

•  What is the message of Exodus?

Conviction: So What?

•  What should we believe?

- The Lord reveals His character to us in His word and His works.

- The Lord redeems His people from bondage.

- The Lord makes His standards clear.

- There is no other God so we should have no other gods.

•  How should we behave?

- Follow the clear revelation of God knowing He is always with you.

•  Where does this fit?

- The paradigmatic redemption story.

Next Steps
Recognize and submit to the supreme power of God.

•  Embrace and obey the clear revelation of God.

•  Understand and enjoy the constant presence of God.

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

•. Monday - Exodus 1:1-22
•. Tuesday - Exodus 3:1-15
•. Wednesday - Exodus 11:1-10
•. Thursday - Exodus 12:1-23
•. Friday - Exodus 20:1-21
•. Saturday - Exodus 32:1-35
•. Sunday -Exodus 40:1-38

Home Church
Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught
Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another.  Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

Home Church Questions

•  Read Exodus 1:1-22.

•  Was there anything new or insightful in this message?

•  Was there anything you know you can or should immediately apply?

•  What did you struggle with in this message?  What did not make sense or caused you to evaluate your own life more deeply?

•  How would your life personally, or the life of your family be different if you fully live out the truths in this message?

•  What are some of the "gods of this age"?  What do we look to in order to protect us or what things control us and dictate our priorities and behaviors?

•  Read Psalm 136:10-22.  Why is the exodus such a great model for a correct theological understanding of

•  The Law was never given to save anyone.  The law reveals the character of God, provides evidence of our inability to live up to God's standard, and provides a method for maintaining fellowship with God.  Does this make sense?  How can we use the law to accomplish it's intended purpose?

Weekly Budget      31,390
Giving For 09/25   26,011
Giving For 10/02   22,635
YTD Budget          439,456
YTD Giving             392,069
OVER/(UNDER)     (47,387)                
Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,535,065
Received-to-date 1,657,330

Operation Christmas Child Special Access Pack - October 11 from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm or 6:00 - 9:00 pm.
This Tuesday, October 11, you and your family are invited to participate in an Operation Christmas Child Special Access Pack right here at Fellowship!
Together, we will be packing 2400 shoeboxes that will be sent to children in hard to reach areas across the world. Child care will be available for kids 6 years and under.

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect Card” and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Get Connected in a Home Church
Fellowship’s desire is for everyone to be relationally connected. The primary way we do this is in Home Churches – small groups that meet in living rooms to apply God’s Word, pray, and to serve together.  Go to fellowshipconway.org/home church for more information.

Men’s Book Club | October 13 | 6-8:00 p.m.
Get your personal copy of “Bullies and Saints: An Honest Look at the Good and Evil of  Christian History by John Dickson.” Then join us as we discuss this book every Thursday starting October 13 (Conference Room/Library, 1st floor).

Fellowship Equipping
•  Systematic Theology Men’s Bible Study |  Thursdays | 6:00 a.m.
•  Church History II |  Sundays | 10:45 a.m.
For more information on the classes listed above and to register go to fellowshipconway.org/register

Fellowship Kids Pumpkin Patch - OCtober 15 | 10-12 Noon
Fellowship families join us for fun at Schaefers and Collins Pumpkin Patch to pick
pumpkins, pony rides, hay rides and lots of other fun, family events.

Feed the Need | October 23 | 10-2:00 p.m. 
Feed the Need is a one-day event to purchase and collect food to help feed thousands of people right here in Faulkner County and deliver a message of hope to struggling families. As part of this event, Fellowship will be hosting the Walmart Neighborhood Market on October 23, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  This means we will staff a semi truck to receive, sort, and load all the donations that are purchased at the Neighborhood Market. If you would like to volunteer, email Michael Harrison at mharrison@fellowshipconway.org or text 501-339-4222. 
For information about Feed the Need and and to shop for the items on the list


Exodus Summary Pter