Romans 15:14-33

Romans: The Foundations of Faith 

"Partners, Plans, and Prayer"
(Romans 15:14-33)

For bulletin in PDF form click here.
Message Slides

Big Dreams to Bigger Realities - Swindoll

The Gospel’s Universal Outreach - Theilman

Introduction: Serving in your Shape

•  S
piritual Gift(s) - Your spiritually empowered service

•  Heart - Your passion for service

•  Ability - Your natural abilities God uses

•  Personality - Your unchangeable orientation to life

•  Experiences - Your life story shaped by God

The Many Sides of the Apostle Paul
    •  Pastor: Shepherding churches with compassion (Heart) 

  •  Theologian: Guiding churches with truth (Head)

  •  Pastor: Planting churches with purpose (Feet)

To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before (15:14-33)
  •  Paul as Priest: Bringing People to God (15:14-16

  •  Paul as Preacher: Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ (15:17-19)

  •  Paul as Pioneer: Reaching the Unreached (15:20-24)

  •  Paul as Pastor: Taking care of the People of God (15:25-29)

  •  Paul as Partner: Praying for One Another (15:30-33)
  •  _________ as ___________: _________________________ (7:18-21)

Therefore, I glory in Christ Jesus
in my service to God.
Romans 15:17

Next Steps
Find your SHAPE.
•  Serve!
•  Appreciate the gifting of others.

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Romans 1
Tuesday - Romans 2
Wednesday - Romans 3
Thursday - Romans 4
Friday - Romans 5

Weekly Budget      28, 846
Giving For 07/04   10,101
Giving For 07/11   42,123

YTD Budget            57,692
YTD Giving             52,224
over              (5,468) 

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,535,065
Received-to-date 1,598,257

Survey of the Bible - This Saturday, July 24
Join us as Ken spends a Saturday taking us through an overview of all
66 books of the Bible, helping us gain a deeper understanding of the story,
structure, and themes of Scripture.
                               Bring your Bible and be ready to dig in!
The event will be from 9 am - 2 pm with childcare provided.
$15 per person which includes lunch and copies of Ken’s Biblical and theological charts.

Sign up ends today so go to to register.
RSVP for child care to

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect” section of your bulletin, tear it off, and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Coming August 2021
Home Church, our small group ministry, will be kicking off in August.  Home Church is a vital part of Fellowship where people gather weekly to pray, study God’s Word, and grow in relationship with God and one another. We would love for anyone who is not currently in a Home Church to consider to prioritizing, on a weekly basis, this time with fellow believers.  We are finalizing the details on the new groups and who is leading them for our big reveal on July 25. However, if you want to hear about them the week before, go to and sign-up. You will have the first look at the groups and be able to select where you believe you will connect the best.

Men’s Book Study
Men’s Ministry will begin Thursday, July 22, 6:00 p.m. in Room 2110 (2nd floor).  Discussions will center around the book “Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible”.  All are welcome to grab a copy of the book, read the introduction, and join us for the discussion. For more information email

VBS Celebration
Praise God!! This past week Fellowship was filled with joyful children hearing truth about Jesus, singing worship songs, playing games, and making new friends. Thank you to all who made this week such a success and for bringing your children to be a part of it. Enjoy worshipping this morning with our kids who will share a worship song they learned during VBS.

Griefshare - August 5 -October 28
GriefShare is a support group that meets Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.  You’ll find it to be a warm, caring environment and will come to see your group as an “oasis” on your long journey through grief. For more information for the group at Fellowship, contact Joe and Mary Garner at 469-556-8962.