Proverbs 7:1-27

Proverbs: The Way of Wisdom
Final Appeal
(Proverbs 7:1-27)

Sermon Slides - click here

The Father’s Encouragement
The Word of God is our foundation
and has to guide our daily lives.

The Simpleton’s Misstep
Know where you struggle and be honest
with those you trust to hold you accountable.

The Adultress’ Appeal
Sin is filled with lies
and is an imitation of the truth.

The Deadly​ ​Consequences
Sin, when full grown, leads to death.

The Way of Wisdom
Store Up - Look Up - Wise Up

Next Steps
•  Engage the Word of God on a daily basis.

•  Invite accountability into your life from your Christian community.

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Psalm 119
• Tuesday - Deuteronomy 6
• Wednesday - Genesis 3
• Thursday - Matthew 4:1-11
• Friday - Proverbs 8

Weekly Budget       25,650
Giving For 06/14    20,964
Giving For 06/21    25,676

YTD Budget       1,333,802
YTD Giving         1,327,506

 (under)                (6,296)

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,599,572
Received-to-date 1,409,510

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Michael Harrison