March 8, 2020

Message Notes          
March 8, 2020 | Teacher: Ken Wilson     

Before Agrippa: Carpe Deim
(Acts 25:13-26:32)

Message Slides - click here

Message Resource - Paul as Defendant and Witness - click here

Message Resource - The Limits of the Gospel - click here

Message Resource - Paul, Peter, John, and James - click here

Agrippa, Bernice and Festus
Sometimes a gospel witness will not fade away.

Festus and Agrippa
The powerful and wise of the world 
may not know what to do with the gospel.

Paul’s Presentation to Agrippa
Clearly present the news of Christ’s redemptive work.

Respect your audience (26:1-3).

•  Keep the resurrection central (26:4-8).

•  Talk about your personal encounter with Christ (26:9-18).

•  Conclude with Christ’s death and resurrection bringing light to everyone (26:19-23).

Paul’s Interaction with Agrippa
Make your presentation of the gospel bold and personal.

The Verdict
The gospel is true, though not everyone will accept it.

Lessons for Witnesses:
A committed witness shares the gospel
with clarity and boldness.

Next Steps
Practice presenting the gospel with someone who is safe and honest. 
• Pray for opportunities and boldness to present the gospel. 

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Ephesians 2:1-10
• Tuesday - John 3:1-21
• Wednesday - Romans 3:21-31
• Thursday - Romans 5:1-11
• Friday - Acts 27:1-28:16

Home Church
Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught
Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another.  Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

Home Church Questions
Read Acts 25:13-26:32.
•  What was the main point of the message this week?
•  Was there anything new, interesting, insightful, or even unclear from the message?
•  What was your main takeaway from this week’s message?
•  Share an experience when you have shared the gospel and did not get the response you were thinking you would get?
•  Why is the gospel especially hard to accept for powerful people?
•  What is the best motivation you have for presenting the gospel?
•  There are many ways to present the gospel as long as it includes some basics (sin, separation from God, the gracious provision of Christ as a substitute, and faith). Which part of this is most difficult to communicate?
•  Read Colossians 4:2-6 (one of my favorite and most convicting verses).  What lessons are found here about sharing the gospel?
•  Who can you pray for God to provide an open door, clarity, and boldness as you share the gospel?

Pancake Fundraiser | March 15 | 8-1:00 p.m. | Stobys 

If you like pancakes and sausage, want to support Fellowship
missions and the advancement of God’s Kingdom worldwide,
join us at Stobys March 15 for breakfast!  

Purchase a $5 ticket from an indiviual going on the trip, the Fellowship Ministry Office, 
or just show up at Stobys March 15 between 8 and 1:00 p.m.

AT FELLOWSHIP                         

Support a Nicaragua Pastor
Help send pastors to the Bible Institute in Nicaragua. We train over 100 pastors and church leaders and then release them to equip their local congregation. For $30/pastor, you can provide this training for a week.  Come by the missions table in the Atrium to support a pastor or go through our app/website (select Nicaragua Pastor support). You can also text Pastors to 501-434-4449 to have a link to give sent to your phone. 

Fellowship 101 | April 5  | 9:00 a.m.
Get to know Fellowship better by understanding our mission, values, and ministries. Join us Sunday, April 5, 9:00 a.m., in the conference room during 1st service, to hear about what God is doing and where He is taking us. During the hour and a half, you will get a chance to ask questions and meet some of our ministry leaders. Text 101 to 501-434-4449 for more information. 

FellowShip Kids Volunteers
Do you have what it takes to join our team?  We have the BEST volunteers in Fellowship Kids!  God has blessed us with lots of children requiring us to open an additional room. We are in need of more hands and feet to help us show them Jesus on Sunday mornings.  Contact Heather Fulmer at or Heather McKinney at to discuss where you would like to serve.

Men’s Muster | April 17-19 | Shepherd of the Ozarks
Take a weekend in the Ozarks with men from Fellowship to be refreshed in God’s Word, challenged in your walk, and encouraged by others on the journey with you. Registration ends April 5. Register online at 

Conway Mobile Pack | March 12-14 | Conway Expo | Tacos4life
The 2020 Conway Mobile Pack registration is OPEN!  Sign-up now to help Tacos4Life reach an ambitious goal of packing over 754,272 meals in 3 days! It’s our largest event ever and the largest food packing event in the state of Arkansas! Go to to sign up or get more details. Invite your Home Church to join you, or get a group together, grab a hairnet, and feed children in the name of Jesus!

Let us pray for you
Prayer is essential to the Christian life and being prayed for is such a blessing. During both services we have prayer warriors under the “Faith” and “Hope” signs that are ready to pray for whatever is on your heart this morning.  All are welcome to be prayed for during the last few songs. The prayer team and elders will be available after each service.  

Weekly Budget        25,650
Giving For 02/23     30,596
Giving For 03/01     32,788

YTD Budget            923,401
YTD Giving             928,237
(under) 4,836

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,586,786
Received-to-date 1,350,839

Click Here if you would like to give a gift.

To make a gift or a commitment to Generations, you can click Here.