Romans 6:1-14

Message Notes          
November 1, 2020| Teacher: Ken Wilson

Romans: The Foundations of Faith
“A Matter of Life and Death”
(Romans 6:1-14)

For bulletin in PDF form click here.

Message Slides

The Best Life Now - Swindoll

Remember Who You Area - Stott

 Introduction: Justification and Sanctification

Questions and Answers (6:1-2)

Question: _____________________________________________ ? (6:1

Answer: _______________________________________________ ! (6:2

Our Identity in Christ: Death to Sin (

•  The Pattern of Christ

•  The Practice of Christians 

Our Identity in Christ: Life to God (

•  The Pattern of Christ

•  The Practice of Christians 

Application:  Making it Work (

•  A Way of Thinking: Contemplate and be controlled by truth thoughts!

•  Negatively: I am dead and unresponsive to sin’s pull on me!

•  Positively: I am alive and responsive to God’s will and rule in my life!

•  Finally: Grace properly understood is the ultimate motivator!

The life you’ve always wanted 
has been secured by Christ’s death to sin and life to God,
and is experienced by our death to sin and life to God.

Next Steps
•  Live decisively, if you are completely dead to the pull of sin.
•  Live decisively, as if you are fully alive to God’s will in everything.

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Ephesians 2:1-10
Tuesday - Galatians 4:1-7
Wednesday - Galatians 4:8-20
Thursday - Colossians 2:6-15
Friday - Romans 6:15-23

Home Church
Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught
Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another. Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

Home Church Questions

•  How is everyone really doing this week?  
•  Read Romans 6:1-14.
•  What was the main point of the message this week?
•  What are some things in this passage that make you thankful?
• Paul makes a connection between the death and resurrection of  Christ and our death and resurrection.  What are the parallels?
•  This passage speaks of both dying to sin and living to God.  Which one is most important for you to focus on this week?
• Paul ends this section by saying, “We are not under law, but under grace.”  Why is this so important to remember?
• This all sounds well and good in theory.
1) We are united with Christ, 2) We are dead to sin, 3) We are alive to God, 4) We live under grace. Does it really work?

Weekly Budget       25,962
Giving For 10/18    18,533
Giving For 10/25    23,956

YTD Budget           441,346
YTD Giving             414,656
(under)             (26,690) 

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,625,097
Received-to-date 1,469,807

Click Here if you would like to give a gift.

To make a gift or a commitment to Generations, you can click Here.

Please join us or be prepared at home to remember the finished work of Jesus Christ as we take the Lord’s Supper as a church on November 8th.  If you are at home, please have the elements ready for your family. 
If you join us as we gather at the church we will have individually packaged elements
ready for you to pick up as you enter the auditorium. 
This is an important time and is something Christ Himself commanded us to do regularly. 
We look forward to this time of worship together.

New to Fellowship?
We are so glad that you joined the Fellowship Family to worship this morning.  If you are joining us for the first time or have been checking us out for a few weeks, we are excited you are here and would love to meet you.  Please fill out the “Connect” section of your bulletin, tear it off, and bring it to the Connection Center in the Atrium, we would love to say “hi” and give you a gift.

Operation Christmas Child
Our 2020 Operation Christmas Child season is in full swing! Your involvement in Operation Christmas Child is one of the easiest ways to place your finger prints, or the finger prints of your children, on the great things God is doing across the world. These shoeboxes are Gospel opportunities, and used by God in church planting, multi-generation discipleship, and changing the lives of entire villages across the world. Would you consider how many boxes you and your family might be called to pack? Visit our website at for more information about how to get involved.

Human Trafficking | Kainos Justice School | November 20 & 21
Over the past few years, members of the Fellowship Family have traveled to Germany for 7-10 days to get first class education on human trafficking through leaders of an organization called Kainos, through their justice school. The Kainos Team from Stuttgart, Germany is bringing their justice school online this year, allowing you a great opportunity to get the same information in two days.   We invite you to be a part of this virtual seminar and learn a range of topics including online outreach and prevention of human trafficking, prayer walking/virtual prayer walking, and Bible study. Time: Friday 6-9pm and Saturday 9am-2pm. Cost: $50 includes lunch and materials. Sign up at

Elders and prayer team available
During both worship services, we will have elders and/or members of our prayer team under the “Hope” and “Love” signs in the front corners of the worship center available to pray for you after the sermon during the praise time (while singing).

Christmas Offering | Generations | Renewal Ranch
Our elders have determined our annual Christmas Offering will address 2 areas this year.  First, we will provide $10,000 to Renewal Ranch, a vital ministry partner of Fellowship that has suffered financially during this COVID season.  Second, we will put Fellowship on strong financial footing by fulfilling the remaining $150,000 of the Generations campaign before we go to permanent financing February, 2021. Together, we can make a difference now and into the future by giving to the Christmas Offering. To be part, go to and select “Christmas Offering.” 

Kenneth WilsonRomans