January 5, 2020

Message Notes          
January 5, 2020 | Teacher: Ken Wilson

Finding the Will of God
(Part #1 - The Biblical Dimension)

Message Slides

Introduction: The Process

•  Fall deeply in love with Jesus

•  Read and obey the Bible

•  Engage community who love Jesus and know the Bible

•  Consider practical wisdom

•  Allow God to guide directly

God’s Will is that we are… 

•  Saved (1 Tim. 2:3-4; 2 Pet. 3:9; John 6:40)

•  Sacrificially Living for Him (Rom. 12:1-2)

•  Supporting His Work (2 Cor. 8:1-5)

•  Spirit Filled (Eph. 5:17-18)

•  Serving Well at Work (Eph. 6:5-6)

•  Set Apart—esp. Sexually (1Thess. 4:3-8)

•  Speaking to God Continually (1 Thess 5:18)

•  Steadfast in Endurance (Heb. 10:36)

•  Submitting to Authority (1 Pet. 2:15)

•  Suffering for Doing Right (1 Pet. 3:17)

  Next Steps
• I will read my Bible this year in order to fall in love with Jesus. 

• I will make sure I obey the clear commands of scripture. 

This Week’s Growth Guide

God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Romans 12:1-2
• Tuesday - 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
• Wednesday - 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8
• Thursday - 1 Thessalonians 5:18
• Friday - Hebrews 10:36

Join a Home Church
Home Church, Fellowship’s small group ministry, is all about three things –
relationships, spiritual growth, and serving.
Returning the week of January 12th with 27 small groups, containing over 350 people,
Home Church has a place for YOU!

Home Church is all about Serving Together
Our Home Church Ministry values deep relationships as well as spiritual growth and here at Fellowship we believe that one of the best ways to foster this is through serving together. 
As people are serving together and building a common passion for others two things take place:  those serving grow closer as they are on mission with one another, and our local community is impacted for the sake of the gospel.  Our Home Churches serve our own body through many avenues and volunteer with our local ministry partners in various ways throughout the year. 
Serving is a key piece as we build community in the body of Christ.

Fellowship’s desire is that everyone who calls Fellowship home connect relationally in a Home Church.

For more information stop by the Connection Center after service or online at

AT FELLOWSHIP                                                                                     

Ministry Center Warming Center | January 12-18
Fellowship once again has the opportunity to minister to Faulkner County’s homeless population in partnership with the Ministry Center. We will do this by providing a meal every evening, as well as have two women and two men spend the night with those who are taking shelter during the night.
To register go to https://tinyurl.com/roda246 or stop by the Connection Center. 

Home Church
Home church is Fellowship’s small group ministry where believers can come together in a safe and comfortable setting while building deeper relationships.   Groups, consisting of 10-16 people,  meet weekly for prayer, study, and service.  Home Church launches January 12, 2020. Find more details at fellowshipconway.org/homechurch or come to the HC display.

Get Equipped - For all equipping opportunities go to fellowshipconway.org/equipping
Art of Marriage - January 5, 2020 during the 10:45 am service (cost $12).
•  Disciplines of Grace - January 5, 2020 during the 10:45 am service.
•  Financial Peace - January 20, 2020 at 6 pm (cost $99). Childcare provided.
•  Art of Parenting - January 20, 2020 at 7 pm (cost $12). Childcare provided.

Fellowship 101 | January 26
Get to know Fellowship better by understanding our mission, values, and ministries. Join us Sunday, January 26, 9:00 a.m., in the conference room during 1st service, to hear about what God is doing and where He is taking us.  You will have a chance to ask questions, and meet some of our ministry leaders. Contact Michael at mharrison@fellowshipconway.org.

Girlfriends Ministry |
Childcare provided by RSVP to Shann@conwaycorp.net for all
“David: Seeking a Heart Like His” by Beth Moore. Tuesday nights,  January 21 - April 7th, 
6:30 - 8:30 pm, Team Room #100 (Office Suite).  Register at the Connection Center.
•  “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn, a 7 - week DVD study and discussion. Tuesdays, January 21 - March 3, 12 - 1 pm, Fireside Room.  Register at the Connection Center. 
•  Girlfriends Gathering - Join us Thursday, January 23, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. at #3 West Point for a night focusing on the topic of Communication - facilitated by Charlotte Strickland. Refreshments served.

Men’s Book club
Men’s Book Club is back!  Enjoy fellowship and great discussion as iron sharpens iron through reading a book. Starting January 14, we’ll meet Tuesday evenings from 6-8:00 p.m. for 8-12 weeks (depending on the book that we choose).  Everybody who shows up January 14 will get a say in what book we’re going to read. Email Andy at men@fellowshipcownay.org for more information.

Perspectives Kicks off January 20, 2020
Spend the semester seeing the story of redemption weaved through the Bible as the Creator pursues His creation. For more information go to the Perspectives table in the Atrium this morning.


Weekly Budget        25,650
Giving For 12/22     41,935
Giving For 12/29     26,388

YTD Budget            692,551
YTd Giving              679,295
Over (under)      (13,256)

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,580,692
Received-to-date 1,297,701

Click Here if you would like to give a gift.

To make a gift or a commitment to Generations, you can click Here.