January 19, 2020

Message Notes          
January 19, 2020 | Teacher: Ken Wilson

Arrest: Suffering and Injustice for the Sake of the Gospel
(Acts 21:27-36)

Message Slides

Message Resource - Christlikeness (Warren)

False Accusations
Called Servants of God
are not immune to unfair treatment and false accusations.

Mob Rule
The dominant culture is not always thoughtful and kind.

Unlikely Rescue
Sometimes the government provides
protection for the Gospel.

Christlike Suffering
When times are tough
prioritize Christlike behavior.

Lessons for Witnesses:
While suffering and injustice should not surprise us
remember that we are not alone.

Next Steps

• I will commit to living with integrity no matter what happens.
• I will prioritize a pursuit of Christlikeness in all situations.

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - 1 Peter 1
• Tuesday - 1 Peter 2
• Wednesday - 1 Peter 3
• Thursday - 1 Peter 4-5
• Friday - Acts 21:37-22:29

Home Church Questions

•  Read Acts 21:27-36.
•  What was the main point of the message this week?
•  Was there anything new, interesting, insightful, or even unclear from the message?
•  What was your main takeaway from this week’s message?
•  When have you been falsely accused?  What was the motivation for the false accusation?  How did you handle it?
•  How is our current culture changing in regard to the acceptance or opposition to Christianity? Why do you think this is happening?  What can we do about it?
•  In what ways does our government still protect religious freedom?  What do you think the future looks like in this regard?
•  What are some goals and hopes you have for 2020?  How can your Home Church support you in reaching these?

AT FELLOWSHIP                 

Home Church
Home Church is Fellowship’s small group ministry where believers can come together in a safe and comfortable setting while building deeper relationships. Groups, consisting of 10-16 people,
meet weekly for prayer, study, and service. 
You still have time to join!
Find more details at fellowshipconway.org/homechurch or come to the HC display in the Atrium.

Get Equipped - For all equipping opportunities go to fellowshipconway.org/equipping
•  Financial Peace (9 weeks) January 20,  6:00 pm (cost $99). Childcare provided.
•  Art of Parenting ( 8 weeks) January 20,  7:00 pm (cost $12). Childcare provided.
•  Prayer Course (8 weeks) January 20,  7:00 pm  Childcare provided.
•  Discover You (7 weeks) February 2,  9:00 am  ($60).
•  The Core (6 weeks) February 9, 9:00 am
•  Bible Study Methods (6 weeks) February 9, 9:00 am 

Fellowship 101 | January 26
Get to know Fellowship better by understanding our mission, values, and ministries. Sunday, January 26, join us in the Conference Room (Office Suite) during the first service (9:00 a.m.), to hear about how God is moving at Fellowship and how you can be a part. You will meet some of our ministry leaders as well as be able to ask any questions.  Register at fellowshipconway.org/register.

Girlfriends Ministry |
Childcare provided by RSVP to Shann@conwaycorp.net for alL
“David: Seeking a Heart Like His” by Beth Moore. Tuesday nights,  January 21 - April 7th, 
6:30 - 8:30 pm, Equipping Room #2108 (2nd floor).  Register at the Connection Center.
•  “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn, a 7 - week DVD study and discussion. Tuesdays, January 21 - March 3, 12 - 1 pm, Fireside Room (2nd floor).  Register at the Connection Center. 
•  Girlfriends Gathering - Join us Thursday, January 23, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. at #3 West Point for a night focusing on the topic of communication - facilitated by Charlotte Strickland.

Men’s Book club
Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8:30 p.m. men will gather in the Team Room (Office Suite) for fellowship and discussion to sharpen one another. Contact Andy at men@fellowshipconway.org for more information.

Father/Daughter Dance | March 7
Dads who have daughters between 5th - 12th grade mark your calendar for Saturday, March 7. That evening take your daughter out for dinner on your own (or with a group of other father/daughters), then join us for a dance afterward at Renewal Ranch’s event room. No dance experience or skill needed - just a desire to have fun with your daughter! Watch for more details to come or email men@fellowshipconway.org.

Spring Nicaragua Medical Mission Trip | April 18-April 25
This spring, Fellowship will take a medical team to Puerto Cabezas (Bilwi), Nicaragua to provide medical care and share the gospel in two local churches.  We are gathering a team of Medical Professionals: Nurses, Pharmacists, and support people. Plus, people with a heart for sharing the gospel in one of the neediest neighborhoods in the Western Hemisphere. If you are interested in being a part of this team or hearing more details, contact Ken Wilson, 501-269-3444.


Weekly Budget        25,650
Giving For 01/05     29,907
Giving For 01/12     38,787

YTD Budget            743,851
YTD Giving              747,989
Over (under)           4,138

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,581,262
Received-to-date 1,307,411

Click Here if you would like to give a gift.

To make a gift or a commitment to Generations, you can click Here.

Kenneth Wilson