September 15, 2019

Message Notes          
September 15, 2019 | Teacher: Ken wilson

Sermon Slides

The Spread of the Gospel in the Book of Acts
Philippians: Partnership in the Gospel
(Philippians 1:1-4:23)


Thanksgiving and Memory of Partnership (1:1-26)

The Priority of Partnership: Standing Firm in Unity (1:27-30)


•  Unity Grows Out of Humility

Paul Calls For Unity (2:1-4

Focus On Self Destroys Unity (2:3-4

•  Humility Is Exemplified By Christ (2:6-11) 

•  Humility Is Exemplified By Timothy (2:12-24) 

•  Humility Is Exemplified By Epaphroditus (2:25-30


•  The Gospel Is Based In Standing Firm

The Enemies of the Gospel Trust Human Achievement (3:1-3

The Gospel is Trusting in Christ (3:3

•  Standing Firm Is Exemplified By Paul

Paul Had Reason to Be Proud (3:4-6)

Paul Rejects His Achievements To Follow Christ (3:7-21)

Summary: Stand Firm in the Lord (4:1) 


•  Stand Unified in Truth (4:2-9)

•  Partnership Appreciated (4:10-23)

Lessons for Witnesses:
Partners in the gospel are characterized by
unity growing out of humility and
a steadfast commitment to the gospel.

Next Steps:
I will humble myself to pursue unity around the gospel.  
• I will stand firm for the truth of the gospel, even in the face of opposition.   
• I will be faithful in my own financial partnership in the gospel. 

This Week’s Growth Guide

God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Philippians 1
• Tuesday - Philippians 2
• Wednesday - Philippians 3
• Thursday - Philippians 4
• Friday - Acts 17:1-15

Home Church
Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another.  Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

Home Church Questions
Read Philippians 1:1-11 and 1:27-30.
•  What was the main point of the message this week?
•  Was there anything new, interesting, insightful, or even unclear from the message?
•  What was your main take-away from this week's message?
•  Why is humility so important for unity to be achieved and maintained?
•  Talk a bit about the nature of Christ's humility as set forth in chapter 2.
•  Christ's example of humility is fantastic. Why did Paul give the other examples of Timothy
and Epaphroditus?
•  Who do you know that is a stellar example of humility?
•  Paul says his priority is to “glory in Christ Jesus.”  What does that look like in your life?
•  How are you “partnering” in the gospel at fellowship?
•  Paul ends with a focus on their monetary partnership with him.  How do you use your financial resources
to "partner in the gospel?"  We are not looking for dollars and cents, but where and how you support the
work of the gospel.

At Fellowship

OCC Packing Party - Tuesday, September 17
Please join us for a big Operation Christmas Child week!  This Tuesday, September 17 from 6-9 p.m., we will have our all church packing party.  We will be packing, cartonizing and loading 2400 gospel opportunities all in one night.  Please feel free to invite your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to join us for this fun night.  Childcare will be provided for 6 years and under.  Please RSVP to Shanna at  We would like to request that all other kids participating pack with an adult. There will be light snacks available. We will also have a meet and greet with shoebox recipient, Yves Dushima, on Thursday, September 19th from 4:30-5:30 at Tacos4Life on Dave Ward. Please drop by and visit.

Equipping Ministry
Need help in an area of your spiritual life? We have you covered. Join us in the Atrium after service,  or check out all the classes at Check out what is about to launch - 

  • THE PRAYER COURSE - Prayer can be difficult and we need help; even the disciples needed help as they asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray”. This is an 8-week journey through the Lord’s Prayer with video instruction, small group discussion, and practical tools to aid in one’s prayer life. It is for anyone who wants to deepen their prayer life and their relationship with God.  Sundays, beginning September 22 during the 9:00 service.  

  • ART OF MARRIGE - Every marriage is unique, expressed by the colorful personalities of each spouse and textured by the circumstances at play in their lives. Blending these to make marriage work is a divinely inspired art form – challenging to master, but definitely worth the effort.  In The Art of Marriage, we weave together expert teaching, engaging stories, man-on-the-street interviews, humorous vignettes and much more to portray the hope and beauty of God’s design for marriage. Sundays, beginning September 29, during the 9:00 service. 

  • APOLOGETICS AND WORLDVIEW - Are you prepared to defend your beliefs when challenged?  Understanding the Christian worldview and applying it to challenges, helps us navigate our world by discovering truth in a post-truth culture.  In this course you will be trained to think clearly when you are on the battlefield of ideas. Sundays, beginning October 13, during the 10:45 service.  

  • DISCOVER YOU - Have you ever felt you have more to offer…at work, at home, at church, in life?  This small group experience will help you discover, optimize and unleash the resources God has placed inside you.  Your “SHAPE” is the unique combination of your personality, strengths, skills, gifts and passion. This 7-week guided discovery journey is supported by video content and proven assessments that inform personal reflection and group discussion, with input from a trained Coach. Sundays, beginning October 6, during the 10:45 service.  

Girlfriends Retreat - Ferncliff Conference Center, October 11-13
Last day to get the discounted rate for the women’s retreat!  You will love hearing from some of our own women, worshiping together, relaxing, and having fun!  Join your friends or come to make new friends.  Sign up online or at the Connection Center today to get the discount - $105 triple occupancy, $140 double occupancy, $300 single occupancy.  Registration at regular price will extend through September 30. For more info contact Lesta at
Home church 
Get connected, join a small group! Fellowship continues to connect people in relationship through our small group ministry called Home Church. Stop by our display in the Atrium after service to get connected.

NEXT - College and Young adults  
If you are between 18 and 25,  looking for biblical community, we have a place for you! Join us here at Fellowship Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. for worship, teaching, and small groups. Meet Zach Benton, in the Atrium at the NEXT table after service or email at

Weekly budget      25,650
Giving For 9/01      25,085
Giving For 9/08      23,140

YTD Budget           282,150
YTD Giving             249,941

Over (under)    (32,209)

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,579,412
Received-to-date 1,180,049

Ken WilsonShane WanamakerActs