August 25, 2019

Message Notes          
August 25, 2019 | Teacher: Ken wilson

The Spread of the Gospel in the Book of Acts
Expansion: The Macedonian Call
(Acts 16:1-10)

A culturally sensitive ministry is critical for a growing church.
(Acts 16:1-5)

•  Timothy: A godly heritage and proven character qualifies you for service (16:1-2).
•  Circumcision: Religious sensibilities cause mature believers to set aside personal rights for the sake of the gospel (16:3-4).
•  Growth: Mature believers and cultural sensitivity pave the way for
    growing churches (16:5).

The sovereign direction of God must be followed at all costs. (16:6-10)

•  Closed Doors: God often leads by closing doors of opportunity (16:6-8).

•  Open Doors: God makes his calling clear to take the gospel to new places

•   Obedience: Following the call of the gospel is the only option for faithful followers (16:10).

Lessons for Witnesses:
God Himself opens the pathway
for the gospel to spread. 

Next Steps

  • What steps do you need to take to develop or repair your reputation?

  • How will you be involved in taking the gospel to new places? (Praying, Welcoming, Going, Sending, Mobilizing)

    This Week’s Growth Guide
    God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

  • Monday - 2 Peter 1:3-11

  • Tuesday - Acts 1:1-11

  • Wednesday - Romans 15:14-22

  • Thursday - Romans 15:23-33

  • Friday - Acts 16:11-15

    Home Church
    Our Home Churches meet weekly to facilitate quicker relational depth, study the same passage taught Sunday to help apply Scripture in the context of community, and pray with one another.  Home Church helps our body seek God’s best for one another.

    Home Church Questions
    •  Read Acts 16:1-10.
    •  What was the main point of the message this week?
    •  Was there anything new, interesting, insightful, or even unclear from the message?
    •  What was your main take away from this week’s message?
    •  Talk about the connection between a godly heritage and godly character.  Is there always a direct link?
    •  The believers from Timothy’s hometown and from twenty miles away “spoke well of him.”  What do you think people say about you? (This is risky.)
    •  Tell some stories of when God has led in your life by closing doors?
    •   How do we hear the Holy Spirit leading in our lives?
    •  How are you currently involved in getting the gospel around the world?  How can you be?
    •  If anyone in your group has taken “Perspectives” have them talk about the experience.

    At Fellowship                                                         

    Fellowship 101 | September 15  | 9-10:30 a.m. Get to know Fellowship better by understanding our mission, values, and ministries. Join us Sunday, September 15, 9:00 a.m., in the conference room (new building ) during 1st service, to hear about what God is doing and where He is taking us. During the hour and a half, you will get a chance to ask questions and meet some of our ministry leaders. Contact Michael at

    Home Church Launch  Fellowship grows in relationship with God and one another through our small group ministry, Home Church. Starting this week August 25, we will meet weekly in homes to study, pray, and serve together. Come to our display in the atrium after service.

    NEXT Launching
    Join us for lunch today following 2nd Service!  Plus, our college and young adult ministry (NEXT) is getting ready to kickoff on August 27th at 6:30 p.m. Anyone between 18 and 25 looking for biblical community, come meet our college and young adult pastor, Zach Benton, in the atrium or email at

    Equipping Ministry Lots of classes on a variety of topics are launching in two weeks. Choose the class that will further your spiritual growth and invest in your relationship with God this Fall. Come see us in the atrium after service or check out all the classes at

    Girlfriend’s Events - Sign-up at the Connection Center:
    •  Book study – Jesus Lover of a Woman’s Soul (Tuesdays beginning Aug 27, 12-1)
    •  Book study – Jesus The One and Only (Tuesdays beginning Aug 27, 6:30 pm)

    Girlfriend’s Chili, Chocolate, and Chihuahuas  September 7, 6 p.m.
    For ten years, the Girlfriend’s Ministry at Fellowship has connected women to God and to one another. We are celebrating by going back to where it all started with an event called Chili, Chocolate, and Chihuahuas. The evening will be filled with good food, sweets, and a movie. You will not want to miss gathering with other women to celebrate all God has done and will do among the women at Fellowship. Childcare provided by RSVP to Sign-up at the Connection Center.

    Girlfriends Retreat - (Ferncliff Conference Center, October 11-13)
    Do you long to get away from everyday responsibilities and take time to worship God and connect with other women? You need this! Discounted early bird registration $105 from August 18 to September 15. For more info contact Lesta at Sign-up at the Connection Center.

    Father - Son Camp Out Fathers and their sons, grades K-12, are invited to the woods on Friday evening and Saturday, Sept 13-14, for the Father Son Camp Out. For more information go to For questions email

    Fellowship Kids Baptism Class  September 8, 15, 22, 29 - Second Service
    If your child has placed their faith in Christ, we would love for you to join us for this four week class. This is a class for you and your child to attend together as we discuss the character of God, salvation, baptism and spiritual disciplines. If you are interested, please email Heather Mckinney at

    Men’s Muster  men’s Muster  Early Bird Sign-up has begun! Men, mark your calendar (April 17-19, 2020) and get onboard now to save money on your Muster registration.


    Weekly Budget      25,650

    Giving For 8/11      15,940

    Giving For 8/18      19,952

    YTD Budget           205,200

    YTD Giving             178,993

    Over (under)    (26,207)

    Generations Campaign
    Total Pledge 1,578,557

    Received-to-date 1,164,586

    Click Here if you would like to give a gift.

    To make a gift or a commitment to Generations, you can click Here.