June 30, 2019

Acts 14:19-28 The Gentile Mission Concludes

The Gentile Mission Concludes
(Acts 14:19-28)

Priority of Preaching
The Church is unstoppable.
(Acts 14:19-21a)

Encouragement to Endure
The Church needs encouragement.
(Acts 14:21b-22)

Commissioned and Commended
The Church needs spiritually qualified leadership.
(Acts 14:23)

Report and Rejoice
The Church needs to share their stories.
(Acts 14:24-28)

Lessons for Witnesses:
Faithful witnesses endure trials; 
sharing and rejoicing in the work of God while encouraging others 
to do the same.

Next Steps
• Share the gospel this week. 
• Pray for the teams in the Czech; that their journey would bear much fruit and they will endure trials well.

This Week’s Growth Guide
God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday – 1 Timothy 3:1-7
• Tuesday – James 1:2-4
• Wednesday – 2 Timothy 4:1-5
• Thursday – Ephesians 4:11-16
• Friday – Luke 15:11-25

At Fellowship                                                                                  

Fellowship Grand Opening  | ​Sunday, August 18 | Both Services
Fellowship, invite your co-workers, neighbors, and friends for 
Fellowship’s Grand Opening, Sunday, August 18th. We will have our 
normal Sunday services, but with the addition of fun, food, and fellowship after. We are celebrating by swinging the doors wide open to our community and inviting them to check out and be part of what God is doing here at Fellowship! More details to come!

Allow us to pray with you and for you!
Each Sunday, look for the prayer team members and elders who will be available during the last 2 songs following the message.   They will be stationed under the words HOPE and LOVE ready to hear whatever is on your heart and going on in your life.  Another way we would love to connect with you is with our Connection Card.  Fill out the Connection Card with your prayer/praise and drop it in the offering basket or the offering box located at the main worship center entrance.  If you would like to have your prayer shared with the Prayer Team, please check the box at the bottom of the tear off section.

GO Czech 2019 June 24 – July 9
Both Czech Teams are currently running English camps and building relationships with students. The bond between believers speaks volumes about the difference in someone who follows Christ and those who do not know Him. Please pray for unity on the teams and with the Czech partnering churches. Also, be praying for relational connections that the Lord uses to bring about salvation through the gospel. 

Home Church Launching  | ​Week of August 25
We are created for relationships – a relationship with our Creator and those He created. As disciples of Jesus we are to grow those relationships, encourage one another, and do life with other believers while reaching out to those not in the Family. Home Church, Fellowship’s small group ministry, is where this happens. Through weekly prayer, study, and consistent community, we see our body connecting, growing, and serving. Most Home Churches meet Sunday or Wednesday night, so mark your calendar now to prioritize relationships that will help fuel your spiritual growth. To make our groups accessible for everyone, childcare is available for kids Birth-4th grade for a flat fee of $35 per month (increased due to minimum wage going up).

Fellowship Equipping Classes Coming Fall 2019
Fellowship’s mission is to invite people to enter God’s story, equipping and releasing them to become reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ.  As a church who takes the mission to equip our body seriously, we are excited to announce an opportunity to further invest in your growth.  This fall we will be launching an Equipping Ministry that will include courses in marriage, parenting, finances, Bible study, prayer, apologetics and many others.  These will be multi-week courses where you can invest in your spiritual health as you continue in your faith journey. Information will be coming soon with all the details you need to register for a Fall or Spring course.

Girlfriends Progressive Dinner  | ​July 23 |  6:00 p.m.
Ladies if you are looking for summer connection, this is the place to be. Enjoy the hospitality of great food at two homes in Jefferson Place subdivision; appetizers at #21 Lexington Drive (home of Paige Revis) and then the main meal and dessert finished with a night of swimming at #4 Bunker Hill (home of Alicia Gough). Come casual and bring a towel for swimming.  For child care @shann@conwaycorp.net. Contact Char for more information – charstrickland5@gmail.com.

Fellowship has a chapter of Grief Share that will meet Thursday evenings beginning August 22 at 6:30, led by Joe and Mary Garner. Grief from loss can be isolating, confusing, and tough for others to understand. GriefShare is a video curriculum with tools to help deal with loss in the context of community. For more information, contact Joe or Mary at (469) 556-8962.

Featured Ministry Partner – Bethlehem House
The mission of Bethlehem House is to encourage, equip, and motivate homeless and nearly homeless individuals and families to take the necessary steps to improve their life situations. Volunteers have been the lifeblood of Bethlehem House.  Two main ways volunteers serve at the Bethlehem House are through our adopt-a-meal program that serves dinner every night to an average of 60 people,  contact Aimee at aimee@bethlehemhouse.net for info, and through administrative work in our office,  contact Dawn at dawn@bethlehemhouse.net for information. We are proud to partner with the Bethlehem House reaching, serving and feeding the homeless in our community. 

Click Here if you would like to give a gift.

To make a gift or a commitment to Generations, you can click Here.

Weekly budget       24,519 
Giving For 06/16    19,246
Giving For 06/23    21,224
YTD Budget        1,275,000
YTD Giving          1,269,681
Over (under)      (5,319) 

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,575,702
Received-to-date 1,135,059