December 22, 2019

ADVENT 2019:
Christ Our Peace
(Ephesians 2:11-22)

Message Slides

He is our peace (14a).
He makes peace (15c).
He proclaims peace (17b).

FAR AWAY  - What we once were (

•  Past Plight (2:11-12)

Christless:  __________________________________________.

Stateless:  ___________________________________________.

Friendless:  __________________________________________.

Hopeless:  ___________________________________________.

Godless:  ____________________________________________.

NEAR  - What we now are (

•  Present Position (2:13a)

•  Personal Provision (2:13b)

PEACE - What Jesus Christ has done (

•  Peace Between Jews and Gentiles (2:14-15)

•  Peace Between the Church and God (2:16-18)

DWELLING - What we have now become (2:19-22)

•  A New Relationship (2:19)
Horizontal:   _______________________________________.

Vertical:   __________________________________________.

•  A New Residence (2:20-22)

Next Steps
I will trust Christ’s provision to make peace between myself and God. 

• I will embrace the peace provided by Christ to allow me to live at peace with others. 

This Week’s Growth Guide

God’s Word is both central and critical to your spiritual growth. We invite you to utilize the Growth Guide during the week to further your application of the Truth from the message.

• Monday - Matthew 1:18-26
• Tuesday - Matthew 2:1-12
• Wednesday - Matthew 2:13-23
• Thursday - Luke 2:1-20
• Friday - John 1:1-18

Join a Home Church
Home Church, Fellowship’s small group ministry, is all about three things –
relationships, spiritual growth, and serving.

Returning the week of January 12th
with 27 small groups, containing over 350 people, Home Church has a place for YOU!

Home Church is all about relationships
Our Home Churches are made up 10-16 people who meet together weekly in homes throughout the community.  At our core we all have a desire to know and to be known by
others in a deep and meaningful way.

This is why Home Church is an integral part of the Fellowship family.  Here we are able to
celebrate together, struggle together, and do life with others pursuing
the same goal of knowing Christ.

Fellowship’s desire is that everyone who calls Fellowship home
connect relationally in a Home Church.

For more information stop by the Connection Center after service or online at


Christmas Offering
Our annual special offering will be collected this morning
during both worship services. 

Our first goal is a pavilion for the kids playground to give shade to families  while they enjoy time together.   The other  goal is to assist local ministry partners with a special fund to  help local outreach when unexpected needs or opportunities arise.


Christmas Eve - December 24
Invite someone to attend and experience Christmas at Fellowship at one of our Candlelight Christmas Eve services at 4:00 or 6:00 pm. 

Get Equipped -
For all equipping opportunities go to
Art of Marriage - January 5, 2020 during the 10:45 am service (cost $12).
•  Disciplines of Grace - January 5, 2020 during the 10:45 am service.
•  Financial Peace - January 20, 2020 at 6 pm (cost $99). Childcare provided.
•  Art of Parenting - January 20, 2020 at 7 pm (cost $12). Childcare provided.

Home Church
Home church is a small group ministry here at Fellowship where fellow believers can come together in a safe and comfortable setting while developing and building into deeper relationships.   Groups, consisting of 10-16 people,  meet weekly for prayer, study, and service.  Home Church launches January 12, 2020. Find more details at

Fellowship 101  | January 26
Get to know Fellowship better by understanding our mission, values, and ministries. Join us Sunday, January 26, 9:00 a.m., in the conference room during 1st service, to hear about what God is doing and where He is taking us.  You will have a chance to ask questions, and meet some of our ministry leaders. Contact Michael at

International Friendship Outreach 
New International Students attending UCA will be arriving January 1 - January 4th. Families are needed to host 1 or 2 students for a night, 2 nights, or 3 nights. Please contact Miseon at or 501-205-9207. 

Ministry Center Warming Center | January 12-18
Fellowship once again has the opportunity to minister to Faulkner County’s homeless population in partnership with the Ministry Center. We will do this by providing a meal every evening, as well as have two women and two men spend the night with those who are taking shelter during the night. To register go to or stop by the Connection Center. 

End of Year Giving
Thank you for another year of faithful giving. For gifts to be counted towards your 2019 taxes, they will need to be postmarked no later than December 31 or brought to the ministry office by noon on December 31. You can make donations online up to midnight on New Year’s Eve as well. 

Click Here if you would like to give a gift.

To make a gift or a commitment to Generations, you can click Here.


Weekly budget        25,650
Giving For 12/08     18,424
Giving For 12/15     18,974

YTD Budget            641,251
YTd Giving              610,971
Over (under)      (30,280)

Generations Campaign
Total Pledge 1,578,097
Received-to-date 1,261,943